Friday 17 August 2018

Schleich Bayala Unicorns review

Schleich figures are always so realistic and highly detailed that they are a great way for children to discover animals that they may not be able to get close to in real life, whether that be because they live in exotic lands, such as the Schleich wildlife figures that Pierre was totally fascinated by (in particular the chimpanzee !), or a completely different time period, like the Schleich dinosaurs that we also reviewed. Schleich also has a magical collection featuring the mystical, mythical creatures that inhabit the enchanting world of Bayala though. Along with the elves, mermaids and flying horses, there are now a selection of beautiful unicorn figures to add to your collection.

We received two of the new models and while it may be paradoxical to talk about realism when discussing unicorns, if you look at them as horses, there is no denying that the high quality paintwork and attention to detail really make them look lifelike. They also stand up really well and don't keep falling over, which is great news when your children are letting their imaginations run wild and creating make-believe fairy stories in the fantasy land.

The first figure is not actually a unicorn but rather a pegasus, or mythical winged horse. Some of the figures are doubly magical, being both a unicorn and a pegasus. This is the Decorated Pegasus Stallion (Item number: 70574) and we love the intricate embellishments painted on his body, his impressive shimmery wings and the luscious mane and tail. If you need a little inspiration for your imaginative roleplay, the Schleich website is a great place to start : "When the magnificent Pegasus spreads his shimmering wings and soars into the sky, you can see what a majestic creature he is. Elves often stop by, comb his glistening mane and decorate him with flowers – and he loves the attention. He now spends all day protecting his little foal and slowly teaching him how to fly. Would you like to fly with them?" They even add little fun facts : " A Pegasus flies as fast as the wind. It is the fastest creature in all of Bayala." 

Our second figure was the Decorated Unicorn Mare (Item number: 70573) who makes up for her lack of wings with the mythical horn in the middle of her forehead. "The unicorn mare lives with her family in a glade, not far from Soleyas. She loves watching her foal playing and delights over visits from the elves, who adorn her with flowers and beads. You can help your elf friends to do this!" With her beautiful shades of pastel pink, her highly detailed decorative accessories and her elegant, almost regal, way of standing with her hooves delicately poised on tip-toes, any little unicorn-fan could not fail to be blown away.

Other new additions to the range include rainbow unicorns, unicorn and pegasus foals, a feather foal and a special blue king foal, who have matching colour schemes with some of the elves from the Bayala collection.

Having spent the last two weeks bobbing about in a pool on holiday, avoiding giant inflatable unicorns floating past bearing as many adults as children, I think it's safe to say that the new additions to the range are bound to appeal to any fans of mystical creatures and fantasy lands, whatever their age. They retail at £14.99 and, given the long-lasting quality that is synonymous with the Schleich brand, they are a great investment, as they can be played with for a long time, even when putting up with some fairly rough treatment in the sand pit and shady glades (otherwise known as flowerbeds) in the back garden !

for more information :

Disclosure : We received the products in order to write an honest review.


  1. Not sure I get the whole unicorn craze that has appeared recently!

  2. It seems to be moving on to llamas now - not sure that's any better !!

  3. Looks good and will be good quality

  4. These are very pretty! I like that they've provided a bit of backstory for play inspiration.

  5. These are lovely. My kids are still into the unicorn craze

  6. Oh these are fabulous and a lot more grown up than a lot of unicorn figures I've seen. Love the combination of horsey realism and unicorn magic! I would totally give these space in my house and proudly display them!
