Sunday 16 September 2018

Giveaway #694 : Win The Totally Wild, Fact-Packed, Fold-Out Animal Atlas book - closed - winner Anneka Avery

How are your kids getting on at school this year? Are they hugely enthusiastic about everything they're learning, or are they finding it hard to get back into routine? Well, if it's more a case of the latter, look no further ! I have the perfect book for you.

Hold the world in your hands and come face to face with the many wonderful animals that inhabit our extraordinary Earth. This bright, colourful Animal Atlas is designed specifically to make the vast reaches of our planet tangible for a young audience.

 It features beautiful, detailed maps that children will love to pore over, discovering something new each time. A fabulous "pop-up" map shows the world's animal biomes at a glance and the accessible text is packed full of amazing facts on record-breaking animals, creatures to beware of, and animals that work alongside people.

Three lavish fold-out pages show the habitat and wildlife of major continents, along with a fabulous pop-out map of the world. In total, there are over 500 colour photos of animals, so you're bound to spot at least a few new critters that you didn't know much about.

The accessible text is packed full of amazing facts on record-breaking animals, creatures to beware of and those that work alongside people. It's a great book to share with your kids.

The Totally Wild, Fact-Packed, Fold-Out Animal Atlas | 9781783123797 |
Author: Jen Green
Paperback | £9.99 | Published: August 2018 |

Carlton Kids have kindly offered to send a copy of the book to one Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries via the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 30/9/18

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after 28 days, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. The winners' personal contact information will be passed on to the PR / Brand responsible and used only for delivery of their prize. 


  1. 3 and 6,they are both fascinated by animals

  2. I don't have children but wanted to enter for my nephew who's 8 x

  3. I'd like to enter for my son who is 7

  4. my niece is 4, and i would like to win this for her

  5. My boys are 24 and 25 but I like to enter for my nephew and niece who are 8 and 11.

  6. This would be for my 5 year old nephew. He would love this!

  7. eldest is seven and the youngest four.

  8. I have a 5yr boy and a 2yr girl

  9. Margaret Clarkson
    My daughter is a teenager but I am entering this for my Godson, who is 8. He loves factual books.

  10. entered, my nephews would love this they are 4,6 and 1

  11. My grandchildren are 4 and 12 weeks old

  12. My son is 7,nearly 8.

  13. This atlas sounds brilliant, my boys are 11, 12 and 16 but I also have lots of nieces and nephews

  14. My five grandchildren are aged from 18 months to 9 years old!

  15. he is 6 and fascinated by georgraphy and nature!

  16. I have so many nieces and nephews, ranging from 'nearly due' to 20!

  17. Great book for my grandson, he would love it, entered

  18. 3 and very nearly 7, they would love this!

  19. Foster siblings 10, 7, and 5.

  20. Foster siblings 10, 7, and 5 years of age.

  21. ideal for the nieces little ones!

  22. 21 years, 20 years, 8 years, 6 years

  23. my children are all grown up but i have a beautiful 8 year old grandaughter

  24. My daughter is nearly 5 and animal crazy, I'd love to tell her fun facts from this.

  25. My stepchildren are all in their 20's, but I've got 2 step-grandchildren aged 1 and 4, and Godchildren aged 6 and 8.

  26. I have an 8, 5, 3 and 6 month old

  27. I have a 3 year old boy

  28. My son will be 4 very soon, and I'm entering for him please.

  29. I have a son at 15 and grand-kiddies aged 11, 8, 6 (twins) and 2 - it really is a madhouse

  30. I haven't got kids but my little brothers are 8 and 3 :)

  31. I don't have kids but would be great for my nephews who are 11 and 4

  32. I have a son going on 22 and a daughter age 4

  33. My 5 year old son is animal obsessed, he loves all his animal books. I have a very detailed plan of what animals will be in his zoo when he gets older.

  34. I have a 9 year old daughter

  35. they are 38 and 40!!! my grandsons are aged 6 and 7 though

  36. Would love for my nephews, they are 5 and 3

  37. Fab my girls would love it 11,9 and 4 :)

  38. My 6 year old son would love this!

  39. My kids are 9 and 12 years old

  40. I have three sons aged 28, 26 and 11 and a granddaughter who is 2.

  41. my children are aged 4, 7, 12 and I have 3 adult children, one of whom is a parent himself.

  42. My nieces are 5 and 3 a little young for this, I have step-nephews if its possible and they would love this

  43. My Daughter's 8

  44. Mine are 9 and 6 and would both love browsing this book!

  45. 6 and a soon to be 0 year old! X

  46. 2 and 5 @loobyloo888

  47. wow, would love this for my wee T x

  48. Hope it's OK to enter for them, my great-nieces Phoenix and Mylah are nearly 7 and 2 respectively and my great-nephew Maxx is 3.

  49. My daughter Sheriah would love this she loves animals

  50. This looks awesome and my kids are six and eight

  51. I would like to enter for my niece and nephews, as currently we haven been unable to have our own, they are 3 & 1

  52. My daughter is 7 and loves animals.

  53. I see some amazingly important and kept up to length of your strength searching for in your on the site taste of the wild reviews
