Friday 28 September 2018

#KitchenClearout September roundup and October linky

Well, the month's not quite up yet, but my linky has already run out, as I was catching up over the summer, so I'll start another one ! This month was a bit of a weird one - winding down the summer ingredients and definitely heading towards autumn and even winter. Brrr I'm hoping we'll end up with a bit more heat before winding down into snow and ice.

So, what was on this month's round-up?

Wow, this one seems so long ago, because it was Sophie's birthday cake back in August ! This was a great way of clearing out the baking cupboard, using up some tubs of ready-made icing and lots of sprinkles.

Blanquette de veau, or creamy veal stew, is a classic French stew. It was also the perfect way to use up all the odds and ends out of my veg drawer in the fridge, as well as some eggs and cream.

Tex-Mew Cowboy Dinner was a totally made-up meal that was a great way of using up some leftover sausages and potatoes. Ooh I think I might have to make this again actually. It would be perfect now that the temperatures are starting to drop.

Alison from Dragons & Fairy Dust shared her Caribbean Chicken with Sweet Potatoes, which looks like another perfect recipe for the cooler weather. This used up some Caribbean seasoning that was lurking in the cupboard.

Galina from Chez Maximka linked up her Honey & Matcha Muffins, which look and sound very interesting. I'm not a huge fan of matcha, but I'd be willing to give one a try !

Galina's next (and beautifully presented) dish is Roasted Cauliflower with Flaked Almonds - a dish that uses not just the white part of the cauliflower but also the green leaves. That sounds like a great idea to me. It also used up some leftover oil and desiccated coconut.

Next was a dish from Jane, from Onions and Paper. Her Stuffed Tomatoes were filled with a mixture that included rice, pistachios and currants. That's definitely something that I need to try next time.

Finally this month was another one from me - a Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry that used up lots of odds and ends from my seasonings, as well as the end of a bag of frozen broccoli.

That's it for this month - thanks to everyone for taking part again. Hopefully we've given you some inspiration for creating tummy-fill, not land-fill, with the odds and ends lurking in your kitchen cupboards !

Feeling inspired and fancy joining in? Have a rummage through your kitchen cupboards, spice rack, freezer or fridge and see if there's anything that needs using up, then come and share your creations with us. Or if it's way past its sell-by date, throw it in the bin and come and tell us what you found ! It would be great if you could add my badge and a link to this post for anyone else who wants to get involved.


  1. Everything looks yummy, im going to get the slow cooker out now its getting colder

  2. Lots of hearty meals. Must try Jane's stuffing combination for tomatoes. Sophie's birthday cake looks like great fun.

  3. Some great dishes there and loving the birthday cake

  4. What a great selection of recipes. I love the look of the Cowboy Dinner and the Caribbean Chicken.
