Friday 15 February 2019

DVD review : Norm of the North - Keys To The Kingdom

In the original Norm of the North movie, the clever polar bear with his talent for talking to humans headed to New York to see off some property developers who were planning on building on his Arctic homeland.

In this new animated adventure, the newly crowned king of the North, Norm, travels to New York with his son to accept the keys to the city. These aren't just any old keys - they open every door in the city ! Hmm can you see where this is headed ?! The keys are stolen and Norm gets the blame for a string of bank robberies that he didn't commit. (They were committed by a guy in a polar bear suit - I kid you not !) He relies on his friends, old and new, to help clear his good name.

But that's not all ! Back in the Arctic, a vicious bottled-water company has moved in and is starting to steal the ice. Norm decides that he will save his kingdom in a thrilling winner-takes-all hockey match. There's never a dull moment ! 

This movie seemed a bit disjointed to us and it turns out that it is a combination of two separate episodes, which actually makes more sense. We love the way that friendship and helping each other out are important factors in the movie, and Norm also learns some good lessons about leadership. The kids liked all the fart jokes too ! Throw on some popcorn and you'll have a great way of passing a rainy afternoon in half term !

NORM OF THE NORTH: KEYS TO THE KINGDOM is out to download from 11th February and to own on DVD from 18th February.

DVD Date: 18th February
Certificate: PG
Running Time: 91 mins approx.

Disclosure : We received a review copy.

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