Thursday 21 February 2019

Madhouse recipe : Cranberry & White Chocolate Scones

It's the school holidays, which means I've been having a sort out in the baking cupboard. One of the things I made were these scones, which I jazzed up with some white chocolate and cranberries that were lurking in the cupboards. They disappeared very swiftly !

Cranberry & White Chocolate Scones

ingredients :

250g self-raising flour
40g butter
125ml milk
40g sugar
75g cranberries
75g white chocolate chips
a little milk to brush on top

Preheat the oven to 220°C. Put the flour and sugar in a bowl and add the butter.

Rub in the butter to create breadcrumbs. Don't worry - it will still resemble flour.

Add the cranberries and white chocolate chips.

Pour in the milk and mix it all together until it forms a ball of soft dough.

Gently roll the dough out until it's about 1.5cm thick. (You may need to add a little flour to the board and the rolling pin if the dough is sticky.)

Use a cookie cutter or an upside down glass to cut out six scones. I formed the remainder into two more scones freestyle, which worked perfectly too. (They're the ones in the middle, if you can't tell !)

Dab a little milk on top with a brush or, if you haven't got one, your fingers will do. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until golden brown.

Eat warm or cold, cut in half with some butter. Yum !

This was great for using up various odds and ends, including the cranberries and white chocolate chips, so I'm adding it to this month's #KitchenClearout linky.


  1. These scones look tasty. Cranberries are a perfect match to the white chocolate which tends to be too sweet. And now I want some scones too.

    1. Well, I would offer to send you one over, but they've all been eaten ! lol
