Thursday 27 June 2019

Giveaway #722 : Win The Kid Who Would Be King on dvd - closed - winner Lorraine Williams

Did you, and maybe your children, enjoy watching the TV series Merlin when it was on TV a few years ago? Or maybe your kids have delved into the Legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table in book form? Either way, they're sure to enjoy watching The Kid Who Would Be King, which has recently been released on dvd.

The film is set in a modern backdrop where Alex, a teenage schoolboy, is constantly getting bullied and told what to do by his teachers. He certainly doesn't appear to be a hero and he thinks he’s just another nobody, until one day, he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Luckily, help is at hand, in the form of the legendary wizard Merlin (who is nothing like his usual elderly wizard representation !).

Alex must find the inner strength to unite his friends and school yard enemies into an allied band of knights to defeat the wicked enchantress Morgana. With the future at stake, he must become the great leader he never dreamed he could be and save the world.

It's a lovely, child-friendly version of the story which is a clever blend of traditional legend and modern adaptation. Alex doesn't seem particularly heroic at the start of the film and it is lovely to see him, and his knights, building their confidence and overcoming their enemies. I had a giggle at the modern overhaul (the round table, for example, is a normal dining table with drop down extensions !) and the story of the underdog overcoming his personal issues to become a hero was heartwarming. Perfect family viewing for the summer holidays !

The Kid Who Would Be King is available now on Digital Download, Blu-ray and DVD.

Just in time for the school holidays, I have a copy of  The Kid Who Would Be King on dvd to give away to one lucky Madhouse Family Reviews reader. Fill in your entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.

UK only. Closing date : 12/7/19

T & C's : Entries close at midnight on the closing date. Winners will be selected with a random number generator and announced on facebook and in the giveaway post subject line. Please note, you will be contacted by email and/or twitter and if I haven't heard from you after 28 days, I'll have to pick another winner. Prizes will be sent out by the companies or their PR directly to winners. Madhouse Family Reviews cannot be held responsible for any prizes that go astray. Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. The winners' personal contact information will be passed on to the PR / Brand responsible and used only for delivery of their prize.

You may also like to enter my other giveaways :

coming soon !


  1. We are looking forward to our summer holiday in Swansea

    1. Ooh I spent a few happy years in Swansea as a student ! :)

  2. Oh, we loved that film, seen it in the cinema. Merlin was most unusual, we've tried for ages to replicate his hand routine. :)
    We can't wait to go to Cornwall for a week. In fact I might buy this DVD to take with us on a trip.

    1. Sounds like a good idea - hope you guys have a fabulous time xx

  3. We are planning days out at home including walks to the two nearest parks plus an occasional trip on the bus or train. It is quite fun looking at train stops, choosing one you've never visited before and spending a day exploring there.

  4. l have many weekend sleepover planned with my grandsons, including taking them away for the first time in our caravan

  5. fabtastic giveaway and enjoy your break

  6. we are having a weeks holiday, then a couple of stays as their aunts and we have bought vouchers for days out

  7. We have a holiday to Wales booked plus lots of days out planned and hopefully we’ll get good weather and can spend a lot of time out in the garden

  8. we havent been on holiday for ages boo hoo

  9. We are going to wales in august and also chessington and legoland xx

  10. Margaret Clarkson
    Days out, visiting the woods and the beach and picnics.

  11. We go to the sidmouth donkey sanctuary to see the familys Sponsored animals and a meal

  12. Lots of days at the park and beach

  13. Living on the coast, there is always something to entertain the kids with

  14. Days out - my son has a list of places he wants to go including theme parks.

  15. Lots of lovely long walks along our local riverbank spotting dragonflies and days out at the sea side

  16. Some trips out to the beach and going cycling :)

  17. Beach Days, Park Days, Camp days at home, Craft Days, Cycling the local trail, Picnics, hopefully with lots of sunshine!

  18. Playing it by ear and the weather!

  19. nothing planned, but there will be lots of trips to the park and the beach

  20. Just lots of time in the garden!

  21. Dog walking. Great giveaway - thanks

  22. We're going on holiday to Northern Ireland!

  23. days out and lots of arts and crafts,maybe some baking

  24. Lots of day trips and long walks

  25. Lots of day trips. Some local and some not so local.

  26. They like to go to the cinema,the safari park and Honey goes riding a lot.

  27. Dean T (ribbons1978)1 July 2019 at 03:34

    Whatever we can afford at the moment, but a trip to Cornwall is planned and we do like flying kites as a family

  28. Days out for us a few museums, some parks and of course the beach

  29. Picnics & days out. Loads of art if it's raining!

  30. We are off camping soon @leabana1

  31. we'll be doing a weekly walk in the lakes, then the hol at the end of summer to anticipate!

  32. We're off up to Scotland to visit family.
    Meeting up with friends.
    Days out.

  33. We've purchased a pass for our local leisure centre - they have swimming, laser tag, a climbing wall, roller skating, classes, etc. Days of fun!

  34. Lots of days out where possible - picnic park days and beach days!

  35. No idea I'm the grandma and I never know when its a can you have my kids today

  36. hoping the weather allows lots of trips out - fresh air and exercise uses up lots of energy!

  37. lots of family bbqs and picnics. We are determined to enjoy the weather while it is nice this year

  38. We have nothing planned this year, saving our pennies to go abroad next year although have heard Eurocamps is meant to be well priced!

  39. family holiday to tenerife

  40. We have lots of day trips and visits, hoping the weather is nice so we can go for walks, park and play out in the garden too!

  41. I have to work the whole summer holidays but will hopefully get some days out at the weekends

  42. seaside trips and days at the zoo

  43. Joanna Kasznicki10 July 2019 at 19:34

    Days in the garden

  44. Garden games, trips to the park :)

  45. Lots of trips to the park, picnics, movies, board games and just spending quality time together

  46. Lots of day trips - beach, wildlife park, picnics and board games

  47. I’ll be going out on lots of day trips with my kids. Discovering parks, woods, castles museums and more x

  48. I’ll be doing trips to the woods, park and beach. All between working.

  49. We are going on holiday to Wales

  50. We are looking forward to our holiday to Centre Parks

  51. Visiting and staying with my dad for a week

  52. I haven't anything planned yet. This lack of preparation fills me with dread!

  53. Making the most of lots of lovely free things, and baking !

  54. Trying to juggle work and entertaining the kids, not looking forward to it@

  55. Lots of time spent outside. We are planning days at the beach, picnics and walks in the woods xx

  56. Lots of long walks and picnics

  57. We're off to Rome in August for a family holiday. We haven't been to Italy before so we're very excited about it!

  58. They will be doing school work for a big chunk of the holidays. We home educate and are in the middle of a two week holiday now and they will have another 2-3 weeks off in September once all the children are back at school and everywhere is quite again.

  59. I'm leaving them with their granny. She doesn't know yet and they don't really like her. Evil laughter ensues!!!

    Kidding. I've got some days out planned too.

  60. we are hoping to have plenty of days out this summer

  61. Going to Cornwall on holiday should be fun.
