Monday 16 September 2019

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 2019 week #38

We're all settling into our new routine. The kids both come home to eat lunch now - I'm at work so they tend to use up leftovers, which is great, but they do also have kid-friendly options like mac & cheese or things that just need popping in the oven at their disposal. They're doing a great job of working out what they want to eat, so I'll let them get on with it without adding anything to the plan. On Fridays, I manage to get home for lunch, which makes a nice change too - even if the buses were a total nightmare this week, absolutely packed and running late. Maybe because of the lovely weather ? Anyway, here's this week's menu plan. Page numbers relate to one of my cookbooks that I've dragged out for inspiration - What's For Dinner? by Romilla Arber - which offers week-by-week menu plans with recipes. Some of it looks quite good, even if I'm adapting lots of the dishes to suit our tastes and what's already in the cupboards. 


dinner - chicken thighs with curry sauce & rice (adapted from chicken biryani recipe, as I have a couple of jars of shop-bought curry sauce to use up) - I also have a recipe for tomato, cucumber & red onion salad which sounds good (p448)


dinner - spaghetti bolognaise


lunch - cheesy risotto with sausage - this sounds like the ultimate kids' meal so I think there will be clean plates all round ! (p461)

dinner - gratin dauphinois (creamy potato bake) with leftover meat - or if there isn't any, I think I'll just add some ham or bacon to the dish


dinner - chicken & chickpea stew (p72) - this has carrots, potatoes and chickpeas in it so it's a good one-pot recipe


lunch - there should be plenty of leftovers

dinner - beef & root veg stew with boiled potatoes


lunch - McDonald's or similar

dinner - homemade tomato & courgette soup (p449) - perfect recipe to try, as I was given lots of courgettes and tomatoes


lunch - chicken pie, peas/carrots and mash or roast potatoes (depending on what everyone wants) - either way, a nice bit of gravy would go well with this

dinner -  sandwiches or fridge clearout 

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. Pleased you are all settling into your new routine. The beef & root veg stew with boiled potatoes brought back childhood memories for me. We had boiled potatoes with every hot meal without fail. We rarely eat them now so am not sure whether they have gone out of fashion generally or just gone out of fashion in our house.

    1. You're quite right, I'd never really thought about it ! lol

  2. Ooh so many delicious meals! I love a nice chicken pie.

    Thanks for linking up and I hope you're having a great week so far x

    1. Can't beat a chicken pie - great for using up leftovers too ! :)

  3. what a lovely week, and all sounds like perfect comfort food

  4. What a lovely paln for the week! Stew is my pick from you this week. Have a great one ahead!
