Monday 20 April 2020

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 17

Last week's menu plan worked like a dream, apart from the weekend, as I went shopping on Saturday. I bought a chicken for Sunday, instead of what we had planned, so there are leftovers to use up today. I also bought a bag of frozen potato letters and had great fun with those, as you may have seen on my #Project366 photo diary for the week ! Anything that makes us laugh is good at the moment ! Right, on to this week ... I should make it through to the end of the week without going shopping until next Monday.


lunch- leftover roast chicken to use up - I think I'll do a simple dish with pasta, chicken, tomatoes and mushrooms.

dinner- Breaded fish with rice and salad


lunch- I bought a big pack of chipolatas so I'll use half today and finish them up tomorrow. For today, just plain chipolatas with couscous and baked tomatoes.

dinner- Breaded turkey fillets, chopped up and mixed in with creamy pasta


lunch- Turkey burgers .... ahh I forgot the buns, never mind ! ... with rice & salad

dinner- The rest of the chipolatas in a sausage casserole, with mash and carrots


lunch-  Chicken goujons, probably with leftovers (mash/rice/pasta/couscous), if not with whichever one of those the kids fancy, and maybe a tin of beans

dinner- Mediterranean-style chicken drumsticks, in a chicken casserole, with rice


lunch- I have some chicken ...hmmm, let me have a rummage in the cupboard ... I still have half of the Cajun seasoning from last week, so that'll do ... ooh with macaroni cheese - haven't had that for ages

dinner - something with mince, but can't do cottage pie as I'm out of potatoes - ooh, this looks good - Chilli Cornbread Pie, with rice and salad


lunch- leftover Chilli Cornbread Pie

dinner- Pepperoni pizza


lunch- chicken cordons bleus (stuffed with ham & cheese, then breaded) with mash & carrots

dinner- baked ham with rice or whatever leftovers are in the fridge

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***



  1. The frozen potato letters did make me chuckle.
    Great meal plan.
    We have plenty of potatoes, it's mince we're struggling to get. I am hoping some is delivered with the shopping mid week. x

    1. They had plenty of potatoes in the shop - I just couldn't carry any more ! Hope you manage to get some mince ! xx

  2. Sounds like a great meal plan! We are using up what we have in our freezer and cupboards this week to save on food waste and money!

    1. Sounds like a great idea. We've had some great finds in the cupboards recently !

  3. Daisy loves an alphabite letter or two with her dinner sometimes. The other day she spelled out Ton (Her Dad is called Tom) to try to annoy him haha

    1. LOL Awww I used to do the same kind of thing when I was a kid with my Alphebetti-spaghetti !

  4. my kids love those potato letters always amuses me when i remember to get them. What an amazing week of meals and i adore roast chicken hope it was tasty

    1. It was delicious - haven't had roast chicken for a while so it was extra lovely !

  5. We love roast chicken here m, it features on my meal plan every week!
