Sunday 5 May 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 19

This week was busy, as planned. Juliette has managed to kit out her new room (Pierre's old room) with a new bed, new pillows, new mattress and new rug and is now buying a few decorative bits and pieces. She still wants to claim back some bits from her old room (bedside table, shelves, storage units) but I can't see Pierre being nice and giving them back as he thinks they came with the room ! We bought new sheets and pillow cases today which helps freshen things up. We made a few cakes and cookies to use up things in the kitchen this week and hopefully this will continue as Juliette is home more ! Back to work on Monday but only for two days then it's a long bank holiday weekend with bank holidays on Wednesday and Thursday and an extra "bridge" day off on Friday to make a long weekend- bonus ! Here's the plan for this week's food. It looks like a big week for chicken this week !


lunch- sausages and mash

dinner - tropical chicken skewers with rice and sweetcorn


lunch- chicken burgers with pasta

dinner- spicy chicken with baked potatoes


lunch- Arizona chicken skewers with couscous and ratatouille

dinner- chicken and veg noodles


lunch- chicken nuggets with chips

dinner- chicken cordon bleu with rice


lunch- spaghetti bolognese

dinner - sweet and sour chicken with rice


lunch- Deliveroo or takeaway

dinner- pasta carbonara


lunch- pork chops with baked potatoes

dinner - soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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