Sunday 15 September 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 38

We've all slotted back into our routines at school and Pierre has already had a couple of marks that he is very chuffed with. My week wasn't quite so good. Somehow I managed to slip down the last couple of steps on my way to work and now I'm hobbling about like a 90-year-old with a huge bruise on my back. I can't stand up or sit down easily so that leaves standing up or lying down. It wouldn't be too bad if I could spend all day on the settee but unfortunately I still have to go to work. It happened on Tuesday so I'm hoping the pain will disappear pretty soon. Things can only get better, right ?! Here's what we're planning to eat this week. Some things are being reposted from last week as Juliette very kindly made egg, ham and cheese stuffed pancakes on one of her days home.


lunch- school lunch 

dinner - spare ribs and baked potatoes


lunch- fish, spicy couscous and carrots

dinner- sweet & sour chicken with noodles


lunch- pasta carbonara

dinner- chilli con carne with rice


lunch- school lunch

dinner- sausages, mash, peas and carrots


lunch- school lunch

dinner - chicken and veg pie with mash


lunch- beefburgers, pasta and ratatouille

dinner- takeaway (pizza maybe?)


lunch- roast chicken dinner

dinner - soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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