Sunday, 24 November 2024

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 48

This week, I'll be working my way through all the end-of-term school reports then the week after it will be after-school class meetings to discuss the pupils' progress and problems, class by class. That is the sign that the holidays are on their way - bring them on, I say ! We've been gaily buying Christmas presents every time we see them in the shops or on Black Friday deals online and we're getting there, slowly but surely. I can't tell you what I've bought but there are some crackers in there that should hopefully appeal to their recipients. We will be putting the Christmas decorations up this afternoon if all goes to plan. We've been grabbing lots of Too Good To Go bags lately, with everything from muffins to family-sized trays of lasagne, which have been going down well. I have a fridge full of salad and random pieces of meat now ! Here's this week's plan for food.


lunch- school lunch

dinner - roasted cod with garlic and herbs (from a Too Good To Go bag) with rice and salad (Pierre can have a chicken burger or leftovers)


lunch- leftover fish for me/another chicken burger for Pierre with baked potatoes and grated carrots

dinner- Mongolian beef with rice


lunch- I'm home alone so I will knock something up with whatever is lingering in the fridge (there is some choucroute (sauerkraut) from Too Good To Go which could be good actually)

dinner- sausages, mash and beans


lunch- school lunch

dinner-  chilli con carne and rice


lunch- school lunch

dinner - chicken burgers with pasta


lunch-  creamy pork and mushrooms with baked potatoes

dinner- pizza


lunch- roast chicken, roast potatoes, veg, gravy

dinner - soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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