Sunday, 12 January 2025

What's Cooking At The Madhouse ? menu plan week 3

We've all settled back into our school routines. Sophie is moving back home so she's doing multiple trips to her flat and bringing it all back home. Cue lots of interesting recipe books and a million seasoning sachets and pots of herbs and spices that we can start working our way through. We've got a new Air Fryer cookbook to go with the air fryer that I got for Christmas, plus Sophie has just brought back her Diabetes cookbook, so we've got lots of new things to try out. Here's what's on the plan for next week.


lunch- something in town with Sophie

dinner - beef casserole (with carrots/onions) with mash


lunch- chicken satay with rice

dinner- chicken burgers with potato Christmas trees (hanging about in the freezer)


lunch- Frittata (spinach/sausages/courgette) (p84 Diabetes cookbook)

dinner- Mediterranean chicken (with tomatoes/courgettes) with pasta


lunch-school canteen

dinner- Spanish chicken and rice


lunch- school canteen (Sophie and Pierre can fend for themselves)

dinner - Quick sausage pasta sauce (p90 Diabetes cookbook)


lunch- Swedish meatballs with Ikea sauce and mash

dinner- Deliveroo (assuming Juliette and her boyfriend will be home)


lunch- chicken roast dinner

dinner - chicken soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

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