Tuesday 6 October 2009

Carriwell Pregnancy/Nursing Comfort Bra - ideal for sleeping

2 & 1/2-month-old Pierre has started sleeping through the night every second or third night - yay !! Unfortunately, my boobs haven't realised this yet and start leaking milk everywhere at about 3am when he used to have a feed ! After a couple of nights of leaping out of bed and running to the bathroom with Niagara Falls cascading down my nightshirt, I decided to sleep in my bra, but even without underwiring, it's not at all comfortable because the clips at the back or on your shoulders dig into your skin if you lie in the wrong position. I tried sticking breast pads directly on to my nightshirt but I must wriggle about a lot in my sleep because they invariably ended up in totally the wrong place or, even worse, the sticky bit ended up stuck to my skin - big ouchies for pulling it off later, they stick much better to skin than to nightshirts !

So when I was given the opportunity to test the Carriwell Comfort Bra - "soft bra ideal for everyday wear, sleeping and nursing" - I jumped at the chance. When it arrived, in a small plastic pouch, I ripped it open and was most unimpressed - it looked pretty much like a sock rolled up ! I unrolled it and it looked tiny, there was no way I was ever going to fit in that ! So I balled it back up until bedtime.

As I was getting changed for bed, I decided to give it a go and was amazed at how stretchy it is. Despite looking tiny, it did fit - perfectly. A bit like a boob tube with straps, you just pull it on over your head. It is clingy enough to give lift and support in all the right places but is not so tight it's uncomfortable or restrictive. I looked in the mirror and it even looked good, perfectly hugging your curves which is almost unheard of in maternity bras, because the volume of your boobs changes so much, even on a daily basis, that it's impossible to get the perfect fit. I popped in a couple of breast pads and the clingy material meant they stayed put.

It's so comfortable that when I was getting changed the next morning, I'd totally forgotten I was even wearing it ! It feels like a second skin and the breast pads hadn't moved a millimetre during the night. When I needed to feed Pierre, I just pulled up the stretchy material on one side, which had plenty of leeway.

It would be a fantastic bra for during pregnancy because the stretchy, clingy material would be able to follow the evolution of your growing bump (or should that be bumps - it's not just your tummy that grows !! ) It's also so soft that it would be perfect for anyone with sore boobs in the first, often painful, days of breastfeeding. The white one is a bit transparent so if you want to hide your modesty, go for the black !

star rating : 5/5

price (on amazon) : £8.95 - £10.95

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