Saturday 28 November 2009

Nuby IcyBite Hard/Soft Keys - teether

Pierre is four months old and hasn't actually started teething yet but whenever any of my fingers finds its way into his mouth, he chonks down so hard on it that it hurts. Especially if he manages to find my knuckles ! I guess this means his gums must be getting ready and maybe hurting a bit already.
As he enjoys his Nuby Bug-a-loop teething ring so much, I thought I'd give him the IcyBite keys to play around with too. I gave them to him at room temperature straight from the packet (after a quick wash in warm soapy water, as recommended) but when he starts seriously teething, I'll be able to put them in the fridge for extra pain relief. The gel inside is clever stuff - it gets cold in the fridge but stays soft and it stays cold longer than water-filled teethers. It's also non-toxic which is handy to know, although he wouldn't get very far gumming it to death at the moment anyway ! (You should still check regularly for leaks or puncture marks and throw it away if you see any.) There are also hard surfaces to chew on, as well as a variety of textures - ridges, bumps, raised dots - for that all-round teething-experience !!

Seriously though, it must seem interesting to a 4-month-old because the first thing he did was hold it in front of his face for 30 seconds, waving it about and squinting at it in deep concentration. He was probably attracted by the different, bright, contrasting colours.

Then he tentatively put one of the soft keys in his mouth and half-sucked, half-chewed it. As he was holding the ring part in his right hand, every time he wiggled his hand (which he does an awful lot !), the IcyKeys moved around and he ended up with a different part in his mouth, so he got to test out all the different feels and textures. He seemed to prefer the hard rubber and plastic parts but I'm sure the soft gel keys will be the big attraction once it's been in the fridge.

As you can see from the photos below, it is just the right size and weight for him to hold on to and move around. He's been playing with it while I type this and he still seems fascinated by it !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £4.99

available at Asda/Sainsburys/Tesco/Boots

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