Thursday 25 February 2010

Pampers Underjams Pyjama Pants

Up to half a million children aged between 4 and 12 in the UK suffer from bedwetting - but nobody ever talks about it so if it's happening to you or your child, you probably feel very alone. I can't understand why bedwetting is still seen as such a taboo problem. Other childhood issues, like headlice or even things like worms, have lost the stigma they once had - Mums at the school gates are quite happy to talk about those ! - but bedwetting remains a deep dark shameful secret. If grownups suffer from incontinence, that's not even a big deal any more, thanks to big media campaigns from people like Tena - so isn't it about time kids got a break too and stopped feeling so bad about any little (or big !) accidents they might have at night-time ?

Pampers have finally decided to address the issue, bringing out a new pyjama pants product and working alongside ERIC (Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence), whose website is a mine of information, advice and support.

So what's so good about the new UnderJams Pyjama Pants, I hear you cry ? After all, Huggies have been producing DryNites for absolutely donkey's years ! Well, coming from a brand as popular and reliable as Pampers, I don't even need to tell you that they're great in terms of absorbency and fit - they've already proved that with their baby nappies.

What I love is that they have really taken into account kids' feelings and tried to produce a product that they will feel good about wearing, partly because it's funky but mainly because nobody need ever know that they're wearing protection, even if they go to a friend's house for a sleepover. The low waistband is designed to be easily hidden by pyjama bottoms but what really impressed me was the fact that they don't make that giveaway creaky-crinkly nappy noise ! They're really pretty, with girl and boy designs, and they're so comfortable that they won't stop your kids getting a great night's sleep.

They come in two sizes, S/M (38-65 lbs/ 17-29kg) and L/XL (58-85 lbs / 26-39kg). I received a pack of the S/M Underjams to review so I haven't seen the L/XL ones. If they have the same design as the small ones, I can't help thinking that older kids will find the designs a bit babyish but younger kids will love them. They look like funky, pretty knickers/pants.

After chatting to a friend who has two boys (I know I've got Pierre but I'm still on a learning curve when it comes to all things boy-related !), she made me think about a possible design fault
for the boys' pants. If they have a low waistband, you'll have to try to make sure little willies are pointing down rather than up, otherwise the chances are you might have a leak to deal with ! As experts in making nappies, I can't help thinking Pampers must have taken this into account in their design though.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £5.19


  1. Sounds like a great product - a good price too.

    I love the idea about the low waistband, I remember when Emma wore 'Dry Nights' and the waistband was in the same place as her pj bottoms, used to rub her skin in the night :(

    Thank you for the free sample link - very handy.

  2. We tried these out and really liked them. As you say, there is no creaky-crinkly nappy noise which is often a real giveaway. We have tired Dry Nites and they leaked so we would buy these in future. We also found them to be a lot softer than other brands. The only thing I would say is that they seem to be designed for the average child. My daughter is smaller than average; even though she is nearly 7 they were actually a little on the big size. She still fits into pull-ups so it would be a whole before we needed to buy these. But if we do, we would.
