Monday 11 October 2010

Giveaway #26 - 3 x The Enchanted Cookie Tree (Flossie Crums : A Baking Adventure) : closed - winners enhance_me, pipersky1, yoohoo100

Yesterday I posted a review of this lovely book (here) and today I'm back with the chance for three of you to win your own copies. Part fairy story, part recipe book, the exciting tale of Flossie Crums will enchant any little girls (or boys) who love reading and baking. But don't just take my word for it - it's even endorsed by Tana Ramsay, who says : ‘Flossie Crums is the most enchanting fairy book I have ever read, my girls want to be her and who can blame them - she is very cool and bakes amazing cakes and cookies!'

More information about the book :

Flossie Crums: The Enchanted Cookie Tree is the second in a successful series of ‘baking adventures’ by author and leading children’s baking expert Helen Nathan. With eye-catching illustrations and stunning full colour photography, this enchanting tale is full of lovable characters, including Flossie Crums, (aged 7 and three-quarters) a girl who thinks ‘Baking is Brilliant’, her little brother Billie (age 6) and her six best fairy friends, Crystal, Cherry, Plum, Honey, Candy and Minty. In her latest adventure, Flossie (with Billie’s help) bakes special cookies fit for the ‘Royal Welcoming’ of Princess Cornflower in the Magical Kingdom of Romolonia, (which just happens to be at the bottom of her garden!)

The Enchanted Cookie Tree encourages children to learn a range of key cooking and safety skills as well as discovering how to bake delicious cookies, which can be enjoyed by the whole family. Each recipe includes easy-to-follow instructions, and with a little help, even small children can make a range of delicious cakes and cookies including, ‘Meringue Fairy Kisses’, ‘Glittering Ice Palace cookies’, ‘Mini footprint baby cakes’ and ‘Maple Syrup Lane Cupcakes’.

About the author

Encouraged by her mother to bake from a very early age, Helen Nathan is dedicated to inspiring an interest in baking amongst children. Now a mother of three daughters herself, she firmly believes ready-to-roll icing is the greatest invention since Playdough and tastes SO much better, and that edible glitter really is the icing on the cake. Helen has worked in professional kitchens and also runs her own cookery school. She developed the concept of Flossie Crums Baking Adventures as a wonderful way to ignite a passion in little ones, both girls and boys, beyond licking the spoon.

for more information : 

To be in with a chance of winning, just leave me a comment in the comments box and tell me one thing you love baking (as a grown-up, when you were a kid or with your own children - or if you've never baked, what would you like to bake ?!). I used to love baking fairy cakes at cookery lessons at junior school and still love baking with the girls at home.

For extra entries (leave me one comment per extra entry so that the random number generator - aka the magic mixing bowl, which is perfect for this giveaway ! - takes them into account :
- leave me a comment on another blogpost (tell me which one)
- tweet about the giveaway on twitter (leave me your twitter name)
- follow my blog

Good luck everyone ! UK only. Closing date 27/10/10. Please doublecheck that you've left a way for me to contact you (twitter or email, a blogger profile won't help !)

Other current giveaways you may be interested in :


  1. I love baking with my kids, my favourite thing is just that you are spending quality time doing something we love and can enjoy. It's great, messy fun.

  2. I love licking the spoon after you've made your cake mixture. Delish!

  3. I follow your blog and email is lilw2 AT hotmail DOT com

  4. i love making a wee egg free sponge cake as my wee one has an egg allergy
    catherine yuill

  5. So kind.great product.We all love to bake.We have just made teacups and teapots cookies for Katelyn's tea party.

  6. The smell that fills the kitchen!

  7. I love baking because a home baked good when offered to anyone turns them into a friend.

  8. Eating the cakes afterwards!

  9. I love baking with my girls, making a complete mess of our kitchen and eating the yummy food after :)

  10. the relief when my cakes turn out alright!

  11. I was going to say eating the results but that would be ve3ry naughty cos I am on a diet so the best bit has to be the smell of cakes cooking....makes your mouth water!

  12. I love baking banana bread with my little girl. It's a great way for her to learn about baking (it's just a 'dump and pour' recipe) and also teaches her to use up left over food (the banana's we use are always the ones that have gone a little too black to eat!).


  13. It sounds corny but i just love seeing the kids faces when they see what they have helped to cook when it is taken out of the oven

  14. Am now following your blog...


  15. And tweeted...



  16. my son and i love spending quality time together in the kitchen - its one of the only taks he enjoys doing at home!

  17. Telling my young daughter off for eating the mixture whilst she is making cakes - it happens every time but is funny - she cant help herself!!!

  18. what i love about baking is how much my kids love it...they get so excited and it makes it much more enjoyable.

  19. I love the children waiting to lick the bowl and the smell as my baking is in the oven

  20. i love eating the results... mmmmmmmmmmm

  21. I love doing the icing and making my fairy cakes look really special :)


  22. i love giving the yummy treats to my duaghter and husband who are patiently waiting by cleaning the bowl : )

  23. I love eating the end product! And the enjoyment everyone else gets out of it too

  24. I love the smell of freshly baked cookies wafting through the house, reminds me of being a kid and my mom bringing a plate of freshly baked cookies for my brothers and I

  25. I love seeing and smelling the fruits of my labour cooking through the glass oven door,

  26. I love baking with the kiddies - One of our favourite recipes involves putting lots of digestive biscuits in a bag and bashing them with a rolling pin until they are crumbs! The kids love it!! Then we get our hands all sticky by mixing in marshmallows, glacier cherries and condensed milk. Put in into some tin foil and roll into a great long sausage shape then cut into rounds - It's such as easy recipe and tastes divine! Great fun for kids to make.

    Personally my favourite recipe is for my Sticky Toffee pudding.....Mmmmmmm yum!

    @enhance_me on twitter and following your blog!

  27. What I love about baking is when my next door neighbour makes fab victoria sponges and gives us one!

  28. what i luv about cooking is when my 2 boys want to help and they make such a mess more on their faces, then when we finished how srummy they taste

  29. I love showing my 2 kids that you can start with little things that dont mean much on their own and make them into something really special and exciting!

  30. I just love baking - I'll bake anything and everything.........not always successfully but I try!


  31. I love the taste of home baked things - and so do the rest of the family!

  32. The look on the kids faces when the baking comes out of the oven. It's a fab look of amazement and desire!


  33. I love baking from our larder cupboard as it often is quicker than going to the shop and back. Plus eating them fresh out the oven and the gorgeous smells!


  34. the delicious smell that fills the house!

  35. watching my sons face as te cakes are made

  36. i used to love baking with my mum on a sunday morning before mass. we always made something yummy as well as the yorkshire puds we ate with every sunday dinner and those days were fun.

  37. I love the excitement of looking in the oven seeing if my cake is going to turn out good or if it will sink

  38. The best think about baking is licking the cake mix from the spoon. Yum. Though I have to share it with my children now.

  39. Cakes, chocolate fairy cakes with thick, rich chocolaty buttercream & a sprinkling of icing sugar! Myself & my kids love making this & equally love eating the mixture :D

  40. Already a follower of your blog :)

  41. I love cooking with my nephew Maxx, he's only 20 months old. Cracking the eggs is Maxx's favourite thing especially when he's not cracking them into the bowl lol.

    E-mail lubilou23 at hotmail dot co dot uk



  43. I love it when the cakes are in the oven, sitting down with a cup of tea and savouring the smell.

  44. i love seeing my son's face light up when the cakes/biscuits come out the oven!

  45. Licking the spoon/bowl afterwards... yum yum

  46. Watching people enjoy eating my food.

  47. Baking with my children, we have great fun together.

  48. The lovely smells and the anticipation...

  49. I love the magic of taking a bunch of ingredients, making a gooey mess and ending up with a fabulous tasting (and hopefully looking) masterpeice (in the eye of the beholder at least!)

  50. I love feeling proud of the end result and seeing everyone enjoying my baking!

    Also, i helped my 5 year old bake some buns today and he was sooo proud of them :)

  51. I love making something from scratch an watcing my family enjoy my creation

  52. Ive tweeted on twitter @BBDIVA1977

  53. Im following your blog

  54. I love it when my children get excited when I let them lick the spoons and bowl. It was always one of the things I loved as a child and I'm happy to keep this tradition going ;o)

  55. Just got to be licking the spoons and bowl

  56. I love seeing the pleasure on my family faces when they eat my cake and listening to their compliments.

    Twitter- pandcands

  57. I like baking with my fiancee as it is the only time we really get together.

  58. I like seeing family, partner or workmates smile when they eat my cookies, brownies or muffins.

  59. I love everything about baking, but mostly the smiles it puts on everyone's faces when they tuck in to the results :)

  60. and I have tweeted: @msmollylouise :)
