Friday 24 December 2010

Ferrero Collection

"Oh! You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why:

Santa Claus is coming to town!
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Santa Claus is coming ... to town! "

Yes, Christmas Eve is finally here ! Kids all over the planet will be getting all excited and hanging up their stocking before bed awaiting a visit from the jolly old booted-and-red-suited man and his reindeer !

So what will you be leaving dear old Santa this year ? In our house, it's always a mince pie and a carrot for the reindeer but I think this year, we might start a new tradition and leave him a Ferrero Rocher. I'm sure he'll appreciate it much more after all those mince pies in other people's houses !
Luckily, there will still be plenty to go round because those lovely people at Ferrero have been spoiling me rotten this festive season. As well as creating the gorgeous personalised Christmas card which has been adorning my blog sidebar and making it look all Christmassy all month, they sent me a box of Ferrero Collection to sample.

Like most people, I already know and love the classic Ferrero Rocher chocolates and they are a traditional part of our Christmas fayre, ideal for noshing in front of the telly on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day and sharing with the family. The individual wrappers and rustly gold paper always make me feel that they are the height of luxury and decadence and they always seem extra special and impressive as Christmas chocolates. The combination of crunchy whole roasted hazelnut, creamy gooey chocolate filling and nobbly chopped hazelnuts and cholcolate coating is deliciously rich but also seems quite light, thanks to the crispy wafer part. Even when you're stuffed out on turkey sandwiches, Christmas pudding and mince pies, there's always enough room for a Ferrero Rocher (or two or three !).

However, the other two varieties in the Ferrero Collection were completely unknown to me, so I couldn't wait to try them.

Ferreo Rondnoir is described as a "darkly sensual journey through crispy wafer and indulgent creaminess towards a pearl of rich dark chocolate at its heart". If you imagine a non-nutty, smoother, more intensely chocolately Ferrero Rocher, you'll be pretty close. Lovers of dark chocolate will probably prefer them to the classic Ferrero Rocher. Even as someone who isn't keen on dark chocolate, I still really like them.

The final delicacy in the box is the white chocolate offering called Ferrero Garden, described as a "delicious mini speciality filled with a delicate creamy centre, wrapped in a fine wafer shell and covered in a dusting of coconut". The box defines it as a crisp speciality biscuit with coconut filling containing half an almond. It's a more delicate flavour which seems lighter in the mouth but I think they'd become sickly more quickly than the milk and dark chocolate varieties.

They look gorgeous all nestled in the box in alternate rows of gold, silver and bronze foil but you could also take inspiration from the fabulous Ferrero Rocher Christmas tree I blogged about earlier in the month and create a funky pyramid as a centerpiece for the Christmas dinner table.  You might like to know that a video of the Covent Garden stunt has gone live on YouTube now at

Either way, have a Ferrer-y Merry Christmas and don't forget to leave a couple out for Santa tonight !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £8.49

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  1. I tried some of these there fantastic. I'm afraid santa would not be getting any of my Ferrero Rochers.
