Saturday 11 December 2010

Revlon Runway Collection Mystic Glue-on Nails

Revlon is a really well-known make-up brand but, until I was sent some to try out, I didn't know they also made false nails. Not just any old nails either but fabulously funky and elegant nails that would be brilliant for adding that final touch to your Christmas party outfit.

I received the "Mystic" design from the Revlon Runway Collection, which looks like a French manicure with shiny pink nails and a striking black tip with an intricate sparkly silver design. There is no way you could ever recreate such a fiddly design yourself at home and, according to the box, it compares to a $50 salon style.

Each box contains 28 nails in 12 different sizes, so you should find nails to fit, however big or small your hands. And all importantly, you also get 3g of pink gel glue, as well as a bond enhancer buffer (basically an emery board) and a manicure stick. Applying the nails is simple - you just cover your natural nail and and the back of the artificial nail with the glue, press the nail on firmly for 5 seconds and use the manicure stick to wipe off excess glue. So all it should take is about one minute to have - as Revlon say on the box - "fashion at your fingertips". In theory anyway ! As a bit of a nail novice, I took to heart the bit about putting on plenty of glue to avoid air bubbles and I think I overdid it a bit so it tended to splurge out everywhere and I was worried I'd glue my fingers together ! I almost did at one point because this glue dries really quickly and is ultra-strong, like superglue - you have been warned ! I didn't manage to totally avoid the air bubbles either but you could hardly see them.

To maintain healthy natural nails, you should remove the artificial nails after 7-10 days but you can apply a new set afterwards if you want. To remove the fake nails, you shouldn't break or peel them off as this can damage your natural nails underneath. Just soak your fingertips in acetone nail varnish remover and the glue-on nails will dissolve. This does take a while though so choose a quiet time when there's something good on TV ! You need a pure acetone product for this to work properly too.

What's really impressed me is how resistant they are. As a busy mum, I love the idea of having some gorgeous bling on my fingertips but I didn't really expect them to put up with a week's worth of work and housework, but they did ! The glitter even stayed on after being soaked in washing up water and a bucket of hot soapy water with floor cleaner in it which was pretty amazing. Length wise, they're just right too - the box says they are "medium length" so this allows you to do all the mum-type jobs (like doing up fiddly buttons on Pierre's cardigans !) while looking gorgeous. I wouldn't wear them all the time, because I was constantly worried about one pinging off, but for the Christmas party season, they're gorgeous. All my friends were convinced I'd had my nails done professionally at a salon !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £9.99

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  1. I often wonder about trying some false nails. After reading this i think i might try some over Christmas!

  2. Wow!! That's really great. I found something new for this winter. Thanks......

  3. Great review - I may just give them a go.
