Thursday 20 January 2011

method window + glass microfibre cloth

As you'll already know, if you've been reading my blog for a while, I absolutely love method products. Not just because they offer environmentally-friendly and non-toxic products, which are safer with small children in the house, but also because they have such fabulous fragrances for most of their products.

I received a goody bag of products from them as a thank you for posting lots of reviews and a recent competition to win their gorgeous new laundry liquids. One of the products that I received was their window + glass microfibre cloth. It really reminds me of the e-cloth, even down to the same light blue colour, although I do like the added extra of the funky embroidered method logo in the corner.

There is one big difference between the two, however. The e-cloth is designed to be used by itself, whereas the method cloth advises you use it with their window + glass cleaner for the ultimate clean. This doesn't seem as ecological and economical as its rival so I gave it a go dry on the TV screen to get rid of the dust and with just water on the windows. It did work just as well as the e-cloth, although it did leave a few particularly sticky little hand prints and dog nose marks, so I presume this is why they suggest using the extra window wash for a real power clean.

The great thing about using the window cleaner too is that method have done it again and come up with a unique and enticing fragrance, this time minty. I'd never have thought of making window cleaners smell of mint but it's a genius idea, evoking the cleanliness and freshness of a good bit of toothbrushing ! On the method website, they explain : "At method, we think "clean" should smell more like mint than ammonia. So go ahead, clean another window while you're at it. It's like giving your home a spa treatment."

Once the cloth is dirty, you just throw it in the washing machine. You can dry it on the line (for extra eco-friendly brownie points - or should that be greenie points ?!) or on a low heat in the drier. Don't use fabric conditioner though because it stops the microfibre working properly.

One thing that totally confused me when I first looked at the packaging is that, despite the name window + glass, the back of the pack says : " This microfibre cloth has been specially designed for dusting and polishing wood surfaces." I think somebody has been sniffing the method fragrances a bit too much !

It's an efficient and eco-friendly way of cleaning the windows (and it does actually work on dusty polished wood surfaces too !) and, if you add in the extra window cleaning spray, it packs in the traditional method olfactory punch that I've come to know and love !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £4.09

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