Saturday 26 February 2011

Whitworth's Home Baking Products

Imagine the scenario. Half-term holiday. A house full of kids - 9-year-old Sophie and 6-year-old Juliette had invited over their friends Lili and Zohé (or Zoë as I thought it was spelt until very recently !) plus 19-month-old Pierre, luckily having a nap. Boredom starts kicking in and it's raining. It could have been a total nightmare but then I remembered the fab kids' baking kit that the lovely people at Whitworth's had sent me, along with some bags of their dried fruit mixes.

I tentatively suggested we make some cakes to the girls to see what they thought and was greeted with cheers - phew ! While they sorted out the aprons, I scoured the Whitworths website for a simple but tasty recipe to use and decided on a recipe for Quick Fruit Scones which made me feel all nostalgic because it is the kind of thing we used to make in cookery lessons at primary school. The girls had no idea what scones were so I just told them to trust me !

First of all we had to convince Juliette to stop wearing the mixing bowl as a helmet, then set out all the ingredients and measured out all the right amounts of everything. It's a great recipe for spur-of-the-moment baking with the kids because it's all store cupboard basics - flour, sugar, butter, raisins, salt, milk, an egg. Juliette was amazed by how big the Whitworths raisins were ... and I was amazed at how quickly they kept disappearing into the girls' mouths whenever they thought I wasn't looking !

We had to set up a strict rota for stirring and adding ingredients to avoid squabbling !

But luckily Juliette was the only one who wanted to lick the spoon !

Multitasking - eating raw cake mix while "painting" the scones with egg !

Ta da, fresh out of the oven. I wish you could take a photo of a smell !

Waiting for them to cool down is always the hardest part !

And Pierre woke up just in time to get involved in the tasting. Huge thumbs up all round ! And huge thanks to Whitworths for supplying us with the baking kit, the fruit mix and the recipe !

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  1. Mmmm they look yummy - baking with the kids is so much fun :)

  2. I love baking with my boys. I'll have a look out for these. The scones look yummy. x

  3. Great article. We enjoy baking too. Even the disasters are fun and super memories for reminiscing about.

  4. i love baking and we make scones all the time. they look yummy! x

  5. I have fond memories of baking as a kid, I think that's why I want to keep the tradition going. It is great fun - and you get to eat delicious goodies afterwards so it's a win-win situation :)

  6. Love baking with my son - looks like you had fun.

  7. Starting to stock up with their products for the summer as Grace is now getting to that age of more hands on baking rather than the cup cake in the box mixes. Nice post xx

  8. baking is great, especially with kids, :):)

  9. they look scrummy i have 3 children of similar ages 2002,2006 and 2009 and we try and do as much as we can.... it lovely to see another family doing the same as not enough baking and home cooking goes on where i live... :)
