Saturday 26 March 2011

Lacura Eye Roll-On

I've got a cold - well, to be honest, it feels more like flu, with aches and pains in my shoulders, neck and back and alternating hot and cold flushes. But I haven't got time to be ill because I have to accompany a 3-day school trip to London next week. I'm not worried or stressed but my brain is in overdrive working out the last minute details and things I need to remind the kids and parents before we go. That means it's sometimes hard to shut down and fall asleep at bedtime. Added to this, Pierre is also snotty-nosed and feverish (I hope he perks up before the school trip or I'll spend the whole time worrying and feeling guilty) so he keeps waking up and crying at 5am. As the alarm goes off at 6.10am, I barely have time to get back to sleep after settling him before it's time to get up again. Aaagggh !

After several days of this punishing regime, my eyes look beautiful, if you're a panda ! If you're not, words that are more likely to spring to mind are tired, puffy, dark circles, shadows, grey ... hmmm definitely not so good !

Now therefore seemed the perfect time to try out the Lacura Eye Roll-On that I was sent to review a while back. It promises to combat dark circles and puffy eyes, containing caffeine, provitamin B5 and hyaluronic acid to offer intensive moisturising care with hyaluronan. (Blame my snot-clogged, sleep-addled brain but that word keeps giving me visions of karate-chopping moisturising molecules shouting 'Hya" as they banish the dark circles and puffiness !)

As soon as you apply the roll-on, it has a lovely cooling, soothing, refreshing effect which is lovely first thing in the morning if you're feeling tired. It dries quickly and doesn't leave any sticky or greasy residue so it won't interfere with your make-up. It didn't instantly eradicate my dark circles but it did reduce the puffiness and I'm hopeful that it will brighten up the shadows with repeated use. I can't wait to use this to help soothe and de-puff my eyes this summer when I get hayfever and often look as if I've been crying my eyes out !

The best thing is, if you're on a tight budget, this nifty little roll-on is actually sold at a bargain basement price of £3.49 by Aldi, so it's much cheaper than other similar products. That doesn't mean it doesn't contain a whole host of scrummy ingredients though. The manufacturer explains : "This super-eye treatment is jam-packed with ultra moisturising ingredients, eye bright extract Euphrasia Officinalis and special ingredients Ash Bark and bio peptides that, in conjunction with the massage ball applicator, stimulate the micro-circulation of the area around the eyes."

It's also the perfect size for your handbag and is so simple to apply that you can use it whenever and wherever you need it.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £3.49

available in Aldi stores nationwide

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. Thanks for the great review! - I also suffer from the dreaded dark circles under my eyes and I have been looking for a cheaper version of the Garnier brand.

    The trouble with me is I am quite fair skinned (or pale looking as most call me!) and the dark circles seem to show even more so during the winter months. I try to conceal them with concealer but I'm not a big fan of layering make up and I really don't have time when trying to get myself and four children ready in the mornings!

    Luckily during the Summer, when I have more of a Summer glow, my dark circles become less noticeable BUT then, like you, the hayfever sets in and my eyes can get quite watery at times!!!

    I must try to get a Lacura roll on and try it out - you are right - it could be quite soothing during the high pollen months!!!

  2. I just started using the LACURA caffeine eye roll on , fingers crossed to add my own review soon
