Friday 29 April 2011

Very Lazy Creamy Chicken Concentrate review

Having spent pretty much all day in front of the box watching the Royal Wedding, I had no idea what I was cooking for dinner tonight ! I needed to use the chicken that I'd defrosted and planned on using for lunch then couldn't drag myself away from the screen in time but apart from that, I had no idea.

A quick look through the fridge told me it was time to use up the veggies too. We've just signed up for a veg box scheme and although I love getting totally organic veggies (as well as a warm feeling from knowing I'm doing good because it's a scheme that employs only people with Downs Syndrome, to help them find a job and some financial independence), the vegetables do go mouldy more quickly - as you can see if you look closely at the carrots !

After some peeling and chopping, I had a couple of leeks, some carrots, onions, mushrooms and chicken breast sizzling away in the pan but wasn't sure what to do with them. A quick look in the cupboard uncovered a jar of Very Lazy Creamy Chicken Concentrate that we'd been sent to review. Perfect !

I opened the lid and thought it smelt a bit unpleasantly vinegary but, having used Very Lazy Garlic in the past (which is in vinegar but the taste totally disappears during the cooking process), I didn't let that put me off and emptied the whole jar into the pan. A few spoonfuls of crème fraîche and it looked and smelt delicious.

Time for the taste-test and it got a huge thumbs-up, from the grown-ups and kids alike. I looked at the label to see what's in it and was amazed to see that it's all totally natural ingedients : Onion, Chardonnay White Wine, Lemon Juice From Concentrate, Carrot, Garlic Puree, Sugar, White Wine Vinegar, Single Cream (from milk), Vegetable Stock (Carrot, Onion, Celery, Leek, Salt, Spices), Parsley, Chives, Salt, Tarragon, Black Pepper, Celery Seed, Bay Leaf. Not an artificial additive in sight.

It added delicious depth to my creamy chicken meal without the usual faffing about trying to find the right balance of herbs and spices. It's a great time and stress saver and would be brilliant for cooks lacking in confidence (or ingredients, if you're having an Old Mother Hubbard moment !).

I'm really keen to try out the other flavours now because they also do Very Lazy Posh Sausage Casserole, Very Lazy Caribbean Chicken and Very Lazy Beef Stroganoff which also sound delicious. Even if I'd rather call them Very Busy Mum than Very Lazy !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.92

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  1. we tried this one and though it was lovely!

  2. Why thank you for such a detailed and well-linked review. It is hugely appreciated and we would be more than happy for you to review other products if you would like. Always wonderful to get such feedback, a big thank you. Best wishes @verylazyfood

  3. That looks really nice! I'm going to look out for these when i go shopping!
