Tuesday 31 May 2011

Peter Rabbit Organics juices review

Peter Rabbit's got a fly upon his nose,
Peter Rabbit's got a fly upon his nose,
Peter Rabbit's got a fly upon his nose,
And he flipped and he flopped
And the fly flew away !
(to the tune of Glory Glory Alleluia if you were wondering !)

Peter Rabbit is a popular character in our house - we have several story books and when he was tiny, Pierre had a lovely blue Peter Rabbit sleepsuit too that someone bought him because in French, he's called Pierre Lapin ! I therefore grinned excitedly when we were given the opportunity of receiving some Peter Rabbit Organics juices to review.

The drinks come in three flavours - Pear, Apple & Grape and Blackcurrant & Apple - and the different colours used for the packaging make it very easy to guess the flavours for kids who are too small to read yet : bright green for apple, light green for pear, purple for blackcurrant.

Each small carton contains 150ml of juice so they are ideal for smaller children because they are easier to hold and lighter than most other cartons of drink. The straws are easy to push into the carton and are long enough that they can't be pushed right inside, but they would be easier to manipulate with a bendy straw.

The drink itself is a diluted juice drink - it's a mix of organic juice concentrate and water - so the flavour is quite weak compared to many other juice drinks. It also contains no added sugar or chemical nasties, which is a very good thing indeed for your kids but older ones, who have been "corrupted" by stronger-tasting drinks, may find the flavour too wishy-washy. (There are larger 250ml Peter Rabbit cartons available for older kids though, made with 50% water and 50% juice, which gives a stronger flavour.)

For giving babies their first taste of new flavours, they're absolutely ideal though - they're suitable for tiny tots from age 6 months + - and Pierre (22 months old) absolutely loved them. I like the fact that they're diluted as they're perfect for keeping his hydration levels topped up in the summer without overdoing the sugar. The smaller size also makes them ideal for throwing in my handbag for when we're out and about.

Perfect for helping your little bunnies beat the heat this summer !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : 55p for 150ml

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  1. like that you cant push the straw right inside - my daughter always manages to do that with other cartons!

  2. I love that song! I'll have it stuck in my head for the rest of the day now, lol! *starts doing the actions* This does sound like a nice drink, anything other than Fruit Shoots is good though! :O)

  3. Quite a cute range there, got to admit sugary drinks are always tempting you to them. Need a bit of variation to give good alternatives

  4. they would be great when were out and about my little lady is going through an apple juice phase at the moment so will have to look out for these

  5. I love Peter Rabbit, these are great, I might have to get some for the kids!
