Friday 27 May 2011

This is Me, This is My Future Challenge To Help Save The Children

I keep getting tagged in memes and have trouble finding the time to do them, but this is one campaign I didn't want to miss out on as it's so important. You must have all heard of the charity organisation Save The Children and the fabulous work they do, but you may not know about their latest campaign.

Back in January, Save the Children launched its most ambitious campaign to date, No Child Born to Die. Every year 8 million children under five die from illnesses we know how to treat or prevent, such as diarrhoea and pneumonia. Save The Children is focusing on the provision of vaccinations and healthcare workers. In June there is a meeting in London hosted by David Cameron and attended by other world leaders. Save The Children aims to make as much noise as possible to ensure the funding shortfall for vaccinations (4.7 billion) is met by all the donor countries. If this funding gap is met, the vaccines that could then be provided would save the lives of millions of children.

So what can you do to help ? Well, read on to find out about the fun "This is me, this is my future" challenge hosted by the lovely Maggy over at Red Ted Art's Blog. Thanks to Very Busy Mama for tagging me and getting me involved.

**Not been tagged??? Take part ANYWAY… do the below and you are away***

**Don’t want to craft, but do want to help? Go straight to point 2 & sign the petition**

So the challenge is simple:

1) Get your child to either draw or craft a self portrait of themselves now or in the future. Even a simple circle with dots and lines is sufficient !!!

2) Sign the Save the Children petition (here) and then pass it onto your friends

3) Write a blog post about it as soon as possible, including info about Save the Children and the petition. We want as many people linked up AND signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011

4) Tag 8 fellow blogger friends

5) Come back and link up your posts, so we can all share your craftiness

6) If you have time, visit each other posts and say hello!

Well, here's Juliette showing off the drawing she did of our family this morning before school - sorry for the lack of colours but it was a bit of a rush job so that I'd have time to get this post up before the deadline ! You can see, from left to right, Daddy, Mummy, Sophie, Pierre, Juliette, our two dogs Didou and Vicky and our rabbit Charlie ! All very happy and smiley !

I gave her the time to do a proper while after work tonight while I was typing up this blogpost so here it is - Juliette when she's a grown-up mummy. (Her words !)

Now, for some other lovely bloggers to send this to (getting hard now as I think most people have done it already !). It's up to you if you want to help spread the word, with or without a craft project and sorry if you've already done one !

3) @ericahughes
5) @savvymum4autism

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my word what a brilliant collage - I love the drawing too - but the collage is amazing! What an adorable little girl you have!

    Thank you so much for taking the time and taking part! Your support is so appreciated!

