Saturday 11 June 2011

Chocolate Craft Praline Filled Mini Eggs review

Several weeks ago, the Easter Bunny came to visit The Madhouse with a basket piled high with chocolate eggs and chickens and goodness knows what else in all shapes and forms. So when the lovely people at Chocolate Craft sent through a tube of Praline Filled Mini Eggs, I put them out of the way so they didn't get munched by the kids along with all their cheapie chocolate. Having sampled two of their products in the past - their Dark Chocolate Grand Marnier & Orange Truffles (reviewed here) and their Christmas Pudding Truffles (reviewed here) - I knew that these were seriously decadent chocolates to be savoured by the grown-ups rather then the kids.

Well, I hid them so well that I forgot all about them and suddenly rediscovered them the other day ! As you can see from the picture, they didn't escape the notice of the girls either so I relented a little and let them share !

The eggs are beautiful to look at - each one is apparently uniquely hand decorated (I told you they were decadent !) - and contain a nice mixture of milk, dark and white chocolate. The praline filling is lovely and smooth and melts in the mouth leaving a rich chocolatey flavour.

They're not quite as mindblowing as the truffles I reviewed but they're still very nice indeed and, despite the name "mini" eggs, each one provides more than a mouthful. In fact, when the girls couldn't decide which one they wanted, I twisted them in half so they could share them and there was still plenty to go round !

If you've yet to discover Chocolate Craft (also known as The Alresford Chocolate Company), I have a couple of things you might like to know. Firstly, you can sign up on their website (here) to be a chocolate taster then sit back and cross your fingers they pick you to be a sampler !

The second piece of exciting news is that they have a brand new venture, Chocolate Craft At Home, currently available in the south of England but with a national expansion planned in the autumn. You can throw a Chocolate Craft At Home party where you and your guests will be shown how handmade chocolates are made, then given the chance to buy from the entire Chocolate Craft range of chocolates, as well as chocolate making equipment, ingredients and packaging. I think they'll put Tupperware parties in the shade !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £6.95

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. MMMM yummy chocolates thanks for the link hope I become a taster!!!


  2. these chocolates are making me really hungry! x

  3. awwww wow they look so scrummy, i expected thm to be rather small but was suprised when i seen themin the picture there with your lovely girls :) i am so craving some chocolate right now though! lol! xox

  4. Anything chocolate is good and these look delicious!

  5. Drooling at the praline chocolate - these look amazing!

  6. I love it when I have put something 'up safe' and forgot all about it only to find it months later. Somehow the treat seems a lot more special and these eggs look lush!
