Monday 13 June 2011

Teething Bling Tween Bling review

All mums will tell you that babies and toddlers have a strange fascination for anything dangling around their mummy's neck. They'll grab it and half strangle you with it, or risk breaking it if it's on a fine chain, then want to put it in their mouths. Most of the time, you end up either giving up on wearing jewellery altogether or just hide it out of the way down the neck of your clothes, which is a bit of a waste of time !

Well, Teething Bling to the rescue ! It's a range of teething jewellery that has taken the States by storm and, I have to say, I can see why. As they explain on their facebook page, "Teething Bling is teething jewellery which is worn by mums and safe for babies to chew on instead of the lovely jewellery we treasure. Teething Bling took four years of rigorous testing in the US and Europe and is now available from Smart Mum UK via the website" If you're planning on breastfeeding, I can tell you know - get one, quick ! Even if you're not, it's still a fabulous idea and is great for having a teething toy constantly at hand when you're out and about.

What caught my eye though was a tweet on twitter that mentioned that Smart Mum UK were looking for girls to test their range of Tween Bling. That sounded right up 9-year-old Sophie's street so I pinged off a quick email. Sure enough, when the funky vibrant pink pendant arrived, she oohed and aahed and said it was well cool and really pretty and could she have it, please please pleeeease ?!

As a mum, I love the safety issue too - it's on a cord with a special safety device that automatically unsnaps if you pull on it too hard. That also makes it dead easy for clumsy fingers to put on and off. Little sister Juliette said she thought it looked like a Party Ring biscuit which is really good because they are Charlie and Lola's favourite biscuits !

I explained to Sophie that although this is a Tween Bling range designed for girls her age, the necklaces are made from the soft, rubbery material used in the Teething Bling range for teething babies. I had to laugh afterwards. She's had a wobbly tooth for the last few weeks which is annoying her when she eats and also causing her quite a lot of pain. She immediately put the pendant in her mouth and started pushing her wobbly tooth against it, saying that it felt nice, stopped it hurting and was helping to make it wobble more. Bonus ! It also gives an idea of how teething babies must get relief from their sore gums when they chew on it.

I had a look at the pendant and it's withstood Sophie's "teething" without so much as a mark on it so they're really resistant.

Just one word of advice - be very careful if you allow your daughters to go looking for more of these pendants online alone. If they google Teen Bling, the first link that comes up is a child (well, teen) pornography site which is very unfortunate. Just google Teething Bling Uk instead and click through to the Tween Bling range from there. (Lynne from Teething Bling has been in touch - see the comments - to point out that it's actually TWEEN BLING teens, on the packaging and website, so that is what should be searched. There are lots of references online to Teen Bling products though, so be aware of the possible confusion !)

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £12.95

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  1. Great review!
    And oh, thanks for checking when Googling. Scary really....

    and this post is special because today, it's my birthday!!!

  2. Oh happy birthday !! :) It was my husband (Madhouse daddy Mike)'s birthday on Saturday too ! The big four-o for him !!

  3. Happy (belated) birthday to madhouse daddy mike!

    This necklace looks a great idea! x

  4. Wow! iv never heard anything like this b4! my son noah is teething like mad at the min, he only has two teeth through bless him, i will add them on facebook and have a good look at their items, thank you so much for the info :) xox

  5. Lovely idea - my son is close to teething so may invest in one as he always grabs my necklaces!

  6. I think it is great! My Emma has just started teething. I have to try it!

  7. It's funny to hear just how many babies chew their mum's necklaces - I always thought it was just me !!

  8. Well warned on the googling issue. I love my Teething Bling necklace, when I can wrestle it out of Squeaky's grubby fingers.

  9. Hi there from Teething Bling UK, great review thank you so much for your time. It's actually TWEEN BLING teens, our packaging and website states Tween Bling so that is what should be searched! Thank you again :0)

  10. These look great although they really do look like party rings!

  11. Wow. This looks good enough for my 10 year old daughter to wear. Not only does she wear jewellery she also sucks her sleeve cuffs - this would be fantastic for her - never mind a baby.
