Tuesday 5 July 2011

method Cucumber Dish Soap review

A little while ago, I received some handmade soy candles to review (here) and, when browsing through the different fragrances available, I was surprised to see one called Cucumber and Canteloupe. My initial instinct was "yuck" because they seem like two flavours and fragrances that shouldn't go together. However, when the lovely people at method sent me a bottle of their Cucumber Dish Soap to try out, my first reaction to the lovely summery fragrance was that it smelt of melons. The two fragrances must therefore be closer than I imagined.

As with many method products, it's a work of art. The transparent bottle shows the vibrant green colour of the washing-up liquid inside and the tall, sleek design of the bottle looks very chic at the back of the sink. It's the first time I've used a pump dispenser for washing-up liquid and I absolutely love it - no more handling (and often dropping, with a huge splash that covers my clothes with greasy water !) plastic bottles with slippery wet hands when you need a bit of extra oomph mid-wash.

The dish soap itself is not as thick as another well-known "mild green" washing-up liquid and it doesn't make as many bubbles, which is mildly disconcerting to begin with, as it gives you the impression that it isn't as efficient, but having used many eco-friendly products, I know that this in fact just signals an absence of chemical foaming agents. It is actually very effective, even if I did need an extra squirt to get my greasy roasting tin totally clean. The fragrance is delicate, fresh and summery and it wasn't at all harsh or drying on my hands.

This being method, it's a totally natural product in a recyclabe bottle but they go one step further - you can also buy refills which is even better for the planet. They also have a cool (as a cucumber !) offer on their website (here) at the moment too - if you buy a cucumber dish soap and refill, they'll throw in a hand wash for free.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £3

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  1. I love Method products their handwash is particularly lovely.

  2. Thanks for the review. Would love to try it and I think it'll look nice in the kitchen, nevermind making it smell nice!

  3. I've never used Method's products- but the review sounds encouraging

  4. This looks nice, I love their handwash
