Saturday 2 July 2011

Netmums launches dedicated parenting bloggers network

Since Netmums launched their parenting bloggers network on Friday (which I feature on), I have had absolutely loads of traffic coming to my site through them which means loads of new readers. (You can see for yourselves actually, if you go and check out my "recent came from" tab on my stat counter page on the right-hand sidebar). I definitely recommend you go and sign up if you have a parenting blog. You may have also noticed that they'll be doing a weekly expert masterclass, one of which will be featuring my "How to write reviews" blogpost that I published earlier. How cool is that ?! It's great to see so many familiar names in the guest bloggers list too. It's all very exciting so make sure you keep an eye on what's going on over there.


Netmums, the UK’s largest parenting site with over 4 million monthly visits, today launches the Parent Bloggers Network.

The Parent Bloggers Network gives brands and bloggers a unique way to interact with each other and to access the Netmums audience, which is by far the largest parenting audience in the UK.

This network is a new platform for parenting bloggers who are being recognised as a powerful force by brands, as seen at the hugely popular Cybermummy conference last weekend which featured Sarah Brown.

The Parent Bloggers Network will allow brands to search bloggers by various categories, including number of children, ages, location, interests and more and allow companies to be targeted when engaging with them, improving the relationship between these very different but equally powerful groups. High profile brands on board include Lego Games and Hasbro.

Netmums aims to have 1,000 bloggers signed up to the site by September. To launch the network, next week will be ‘Bloggers’ Week’ on the Netmums home site, with 5 top guest bloggers featuring alongside the launch of the Network. The following week the whole site will be guest edited by Tara Cain, the number one parenting blogger in the UK ( ).

There will also be weekly expert masterclasses on blogging, including ‘how to’s’, Vlogs and so on and the blogs will also be regularly featured on the main site.

Siobhan Freegard, co-founder of Netmums, said: “Mums can find that being a parent makes them feel invisible which is why sites like Netmums are so popular – they bring mums together and give them a platform to speak. Blogging is simply another platform – and we want to support and encourage other mums to take up blogging and get their voices heard, particularly on local issues that affect them.

“Parenting bloggers have long complained that brands do not understand how to engage with them, often giving little thought to the age of their children or their particular living situation when offering them products to review or technology to engage with. We are launching the Parent Bloggers Network in response to these issues, to allow brands and bloggers to understand each other better and to interact in a new and mutually beneficial way.”

The guest bloggers, along with Tara Cain, will be:

· English Mum
· Diary of a Frugal Family
· Red Ted Art
· Thinly Spread
· MyDaddyCooks

Upcoming schedule of masterclasses:

· What is a blog?

· How to start a blog

· Dos and Don’ts for Bloggers

· Finding your blogging voice

· Top Tips for New Bloggers

· What you need to know about statistics

· How to re-design your blog

· How to write Reviews (that's me !!! *squeals*)
· Growing your blog

· Making money from your blog

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