Monday 4 July 2011

Virtual tour of HMS Belfast and the chance to win free tickets

Ahoy there !
The lovely Kevin, the Yeoman aboard HMS Belfast, would like to take you on a whistlestop tour around HMS Belfast in this special video, made specially for us, here at Madhouse Family Reviews ! As well as showing you the fun you can have on board, he tells you about a fab competition to win a family ticket to the ship (but more about that in a moment).

( if you can't see the video, you can watch it on youtube at )

How cool is that ?! It totally blew Sophie's mind that he said my name and the name of the blog !!

Now, more about that competition. On offer is a family ticket to HMS Belfast and a tour from one of the ship’s yeomen, plus they will fire the guns onboard during the visit which is a really rare treat! (The family ticket is for two adults and children can already come onboard for free).

For your chance to be put into the draw, just email The competition closes at the end of July and they will then pick a winner from everyone that enters.You can also go and like their facebook page at . Feel free to tell them that you saw their fab video at Madhouse Family Reviews ! Good luck !

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