Monday 19 September 2011

Apple Ambrosia Muffins recipe

A few months ago, here at The Madhouse, we received some Ambrosia Custard Coated Banana and Apple Flakes to review. As you saw in our blogpost (here), all three mini-testers absolutely loved them and they still quite frequently ask for what Juliette calls "those things that look like teeth" !

Well, Ambrosia sent us some more packs and asked us if we'd try out their recipe for healthy but delicious Apple Ambrosia Muffins. Never ones to turn down a challenge, we tried it out this afternoon.

Here's the official photo of what they're supposed to look like :

And this is what ours came out like :

Some of them split open at the top and pour out what looks like molten toffee sauce - yum !

When you break them open, the Ambrosia apple flakes have melted to a delicious caramelised apple gooeyness which makes them beautifully sticky and moist. The only downside is that they do tend to stick to the paper muffin cases.

The recipe suggests you ice them but we decided they didn't really need the extra sweetness. I added a few blobs of instant squeezy icing to just a few of them, for those who wanted it.

If you'd like to have a go too, the recipe is here :

Apple Ambrosia Muffins


•250g wholemeal self-raising flour
•1 tsp baking powder
•2 tsp cinnamon
•1 tsp ground mixed spice
•85g light muscovado sugar
•100g Ambrosia Custard Coated Apple Flakes
•125g tub low-fat yogurt
•125ml skimmed milk
•3 tbsp sunflower oil
•1 egg , lightly beaten


· 200g icing sugar
· 3 tbsps apple juice

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes
Makes: 12-14 muffins


1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a muffin tin with paper cases.

2. Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and mixed spice into a mixing bowl, then stir in the sugar and fruit flakes.

3. Mix the yoghurt, milk, oil and egg together separately, then slowly add to the dry mix and gently fold in until combined.

4. Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases (about one table spoon per case) then bake for 15-20 minutes until risen and firm to touch.

5. Once the muffins are cool, mix together the apple juice and icing sugar to ice the muffins.

Per Serving

160 kcalories, protein 4g, carbohydrate 37g, fat 3g, saturated fat 1.2g, fibre 1g, salt 0.2 g, protein 0.5g

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  1. These look yummy, I was just about to start making some fairy cakes but maybe I will do these instead, or if I am feeling ambitious (and greedy!) both!!

  2. must be so ( not to mention easy) to bake properly with all these easy to use ingredients...Im look marvellous, well done all

  3. I'd never heard of the Ambrosia fruit flakes and it's a brilliant idea to use them in cupcakes. I think I'd love to try the recipe sometime. Thanks.

  4. "Simple thoughts are always meaningful, refreshing and inspiring.
    Thanks for this good post."

  5. oh my goodness - these sound absolutely delicious!! I'm going to have to make these, thank you!!

  6. These are really gorgeous and it's the first time I heard about Ambrosia. This is the perfect activity to spend with my kids. :)
