Monday 12 September 2011

Expert Tips for Beating Germs In and Out of The Playground

Just as the kids go back to school, I thought this made interesting reading. I admit that, while I followed the guidelines and equipped my kids with antibacterial hand sanitizer gel during the recent bird flu epidemic, now that that's all over, I've stopped giving it to them. This report has made me think twice, I have to say, and the video offers some sensible advice too. When you consider the price of the hand sanitising products, it makes sense to buy them as only a few pennies could help protect your child's health, after all.

Make hand hygiene as easy as child’s play

Experts agree that play is an essential part of children’s development, but with every hop, swing and monkey bar, children’s hands can pick up an array of dirt, germs and bacteria. A recent survey by antibacterial hand hygiene brand Cuticura reveals that half of parents are not aware of the types of germs their children could pick up in the playground. With the possibility of bacteria from bird and dog faeces, rat urine and even E. coli being found in the playground, maintaining good hand hygiene is more important than ever.

But don’t panic. There’s no need to wrap your kids in cotton wool at the start of the new school term. Simply clean their hands with Cuticura when they leave the school gate and after playtime - a fast, effective, hygienic alternative when you can’t get to soap and water - so children don’t take any unwanted germs home.

As well as driving imagination and creativity, active play encourages good health, heightened concentration and enhanced social development. Cuticura champions the importance of outdoor play, without forgetting good hand hygiene.

"Play is a natural part of children's lives and helps them to grow and develop the skills they need for later life. Not giving children time to grow and play could lead to a generation of sedentary children, lacking in creativity and imagination" Dr Amanda Gummer, psychologist and play expert

Expert Tips for Beating Germs In and Out of The Playground

By Dr Lisa Ackerley, Environmental Health Practitioner and Visiting Professor of Environmental Health at Salford University:

“Always carry an antibacterial hand hygiene gel or wipes with you such as Cuticura. Make sure you clean all the dirt off children’s hands before they have a snack, before administering first aid and when leaving the playground so they don’t take any unwanted germs home with them”

“Teach children how to sneeze and cough safely. Cough into your elbow rather than your hand so you don’t transfer germs to somebody else, and always sneeze into a tissue then throw it away safely”

“If you’re planning a picnic, take a clean tea towel and place it on the picnic table to create a barrier between the germs on the table and the food you’re eating”

“Remember, children are mimics, so practice what you preach and they will copy your good habits”

Making good hand hygiene easier for parents and children on the go, Cuticura is a non-sticky range of antibacterial hand hygiene gels, wipes and foamers that dry in seconds and are proven to kill over 99.99% of bacteria fast.

Cuticura is available from Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s, Waitrose, Asda and selected independent pharmacies. Prices start from 99p.

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  1. i always have hand gel with me - fab stuff!!

  2. Another very useful review for our family! My little boy has Pan Hypopituitarism which means he struggles to fight off illness or injuries that put his body under stress! When he is poorly we have to double or triple his medication (stress hormone) accordingly ! It's so hard when your baby goes to childcare and picks up (quite naturally) germs from other children and cannot talk to tell you that they're feeling poorly. Some fab info here that makes me feel a little relieved and happy we're doing the right things to help reduce the amount of germs and bacteria that our son comes into contact with.

    Thanks again

