Thursday 8 September 2011

Morphy Richards 'Home Made Cook of the Year' competition

Are you proud of your skills in the kitchen? Are friends and family always dishing out the compliments after eating your home cooked food? Can you prepare wholesome, nutritious food on a budget?

Well, if the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, Morphy Richards' ‘Home Made Cook of the Year’ competition could be the opportunity to have your kitchen creativity recognised with a national award. At‘Home of the House Proud’, they want to find those ‘Home Made Heroes’ that keep their families' bellies full with delicious, wholesome and nutritious food.

As they explain :

"In these financially challenging times, families across the country are making cutbacks when it comes to their weekly shop and it’s becoming increasingly tougher to feed the family on a set budget. As well as finding that one person that consistently cooks great food, we’re looking for somebody who can cook a delicious main meal to a set budget, that budget being £7.50. We’ve set the budget of £7.50 to mark our 75th anniversary!

It’s not just the folk here at Morphy HQ that will need impressing with their food; our three short-listed entrants will be invited to the Women’s Institute’s Denman College on 5th December 2011, where they will have the opportunity to meet celebrity chef Brian Turner, ambassador for our prize partner Stoves, and what’s more, cook their dish for him!

The cook that rustles up the food that Brian judges as the best will not only walk away with the prestigious title of ‘Home Made Cook of the Year’, but will also bag themselves a £1,000 Morphy Richards kitchen makeover, a Stoves Mini Range cooker, a Roberts DAB radio and a one day Women’s Institute cooking course for them and a friend – the perfect prize package for any ‘Home Made Hero’!

The two runners up will each win a Morphy Richards cooking product of their choice (up to a retail price of £150), a Roberts DAB radio and a one day Women’s Institute cooking course for them and a friend.

Each entrant will receive a single use 15% discount code for purchase of any Morphy Richards Worktop Cooking product direct from Morphy Richards.

for more information and to send in your entries, head over to :

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  1. Sounds like a really interesting competition. Would be good to find ideas for what you can do with £7.50 these days.

  2. £7.50 is a very generous budget allowance.....I am a dab hand at budget cooking including veg and tatties for less then £2...but the budget I live on I need to.

    might need to consider joining in with this but could not afford the budhet of £7,50 to practise making 1 meal

  3. Great competition - not sure i have enough talent for something like this though!
