Wednesday 7 December 2011

Bananagrams Blogger Battle Challenge #5 - Christmas

This week is the fifth and final game in the Bananagrams Blogger Battle with the theme of ... you guessed it ! ... Christmas ! Here's our entry :

Looking at some of my words - soggy sprouts, squabble, turkeyoverload, indigestion and hangover - you'd never know I love Christmas, would you ?!

Just a quick reminder that I currently have a giveaway here on my blog where you can win your very own Bananagrams game but get in very quickly as the last date for entries is tomorrow (or today if you're reading this in the daily digest email).

Keep an eye on Facebook for all the other Bananagrams Blogger Battle entries :

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1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulously fun game that can be played anywhere with any number of people of all ages (as long as they know how to read/spell). My 10 year-old nephew loves it, and has his grandparents bring it every week when they go out for lunch (so they can play while they wait for their order!).
