Sunday 4 December 2011

Giveaway #144 - win two iPhone codes for Peekaboo Barn - closed - winners @jumblyMummy @beckydowney

Last week, I reviewed (here) the best-selling kids' app Peekaboo Barn and I am now pleased to be able to offer a download code (for the iPhone version) for two Madhouse Family Reviews followers. These codes will work wherever you are in the world so for once, it's not just restricted to UK entries !
To be in with a chance of winning, just do the following two things :

(1) follow my blog with Google Friends Connect (over on the side bar on the right)

(2) leave me a comment in the comments box with your email or twitter id .
Bonus entries

You can do any or all of the following for bonus entries - just make sure you leave me one comment per entry so that they're all counted !

(1) Follow me on twitter (@cherylp59) and tweet about my comp. You can use the handy retweet button over in my side bar or write your own tweet but make sure you copy in @cherylp59 so I can track this

(2) I love reading your comments so leave me some extra comments on my other blogposts (maximum 5 - other giveaways don't count !) and I'll give you a bonus entry for each one. Just remember to leave me a comment here each time to tell me you've done so.

(3) Subscribe to my blog by email (near the top of the right-hand sidebar) so that all the new posts pop into your inbox in a handy digest every morning

(4) I've created a facebook page for Madhouse Family Reviews so I'd love for you to become a follower on there too -

Open worldwide. Closing date : 17/12/11

Other giveaways you may be interested in :


  1. Am following your blog :D

  2. email address is
    It says to also include the answer to the question, but I cant find the question to answer? :D

  3. followng you already on twitter and have retweeted as @picklepie35 :D

  4. Have subscribed to your blog :D

  5. Already like your fb page as Helen e harris :D

  6. Hello! My 2.5 yo loves using my ipod so I'd love to win this. @jumblyMummy

  7. My son loves the peekaboo barn lite app so would love to upgrade to the full version.... glad I came across this site... will now be following and have liked you on facebook. Dont have time tonight to comment on other blog posts, but I shall be back! :)

  8. Can't find the question, unless I am being blind (it is early morning)! I'd love to win this as my kids use my iPhone more than me lol
    Following you and subscribed by email. Tweeted as @chelsemamma x

  9. Following you!

  10. Now Jumblymummy's daughter has taught me how to play games with her on my ipad, I'd love to enter ! @janesgrapevine

  11. I've tweeted and am following you @janesgrapevine

  12. Following you and tweeted @ericahughes

  13. I've tweeted and am following you @handbag2000

  14. following on twitter and tweeted
