Monday 26 December 2011

Giveaway #148 - 3 child/adult twin packs of Sea-Bands - closed - winners NinaG, Mrs Gumby, cld_fr

I've told you lots about Sea-Bands in the past, in my original review here where I told you how well they work for travel sickness and morning sickness, then here where I added that they were good for migraine nausea too. On our recent Christmas shopping trip with P&O ferries, which I told you about here, you may remember that 2-year-old Pierre had an unfortunate episode of seasickness in the duty-free shop ! The staff all mentioned that if we hadn't been about to arrive in port, they'd have recommended Sea-Bands to us because they're really effective and they all wear them when it's rough. You can't get higher praise than that ! Needless to say, the whole family are now kitted out and, I'm happy to say, nobody was sick on our latest trip across the Channel. Just make sure you look carefully at the drawing on the box to make sure the pressure ball is in the right place or they won't work at all.

Sea-Band advise : "How to wear Sea-Bands Place your middle fingers on the inside of your wrist with the edge of your third finger at the bottom of your hand, at the crease of your wrist. Underneath your middle finger, you will find the Nei Kuan pressure point, in between two wrist tendons. You will be able to feel it by pressing down in this spot. Place the Sea-Band on your wrist, with the plastic stud toward your skin on the Nei Kuan pressure point. Do the same with the other wrist band. Both Sea-Band wrist bands must be worn at the same time for them to be effective. You should begin to feel relief within five minutes. If nausea worsens, apply pressure with your finger to the plastic stud."

Both sizes (adult and child) of Sea-Bands cost £8.15 a pair. For more information, check out or like them on Facebook at and twitter at @SeaBandNausea.

Thanks to the generosity of Sea-Bands, I have three prizes available of a pair of adult and a pair of child Sea-Bands.

To be in with a chance of winning, just do the following three things :

(1) follow my blog with Google Friends Connect (over on the side bar on the right)

(2) leave me a comment on one of my blogposts (other giveaways don't count)

(3) leave me a comment in the comments box with a way of contacting you (twitter name or email) and tell me which of my blogposts you commented on.

Bonus entries

You can do any or all of the following for bonus entries - just make sure you leave me one comment per entry so that they're all counted !

(1) Follow me on twitter (@cherylp59) and tweet about my competition. You can use the handy retweet button over in my side bar or write your own tweet but make sure you copy in @cherylp59 so I can track this

(2) I love reading your comments so leave me some extra comments on my other blogposts (maximum 5 - other giveaways don't count !) and I'll give you a bonus entry for each one. Just remember to leave me a comment here each time to tell me you've done so.

(3) Subscribe to my blog by email (near the top of the right-hand sidebar) so that all the new posts pop into your inbox in a handy digest every morning

(4) I've created a facebook page for Madhouse Family Reviews so I'd love for you to become a follower on there too -

(5) add a +k klout point to @cherylp59 on Klout and tell me which category you added it to

UK only. Closing date : 5/1/12

Other giveaways you may be interested in :


  1. (1) I follow via GFC - robertfox24

    (2) I have commented on Heading out to the sales ? Look out for the Scarlett & Crimson Christmas Gift 2011 Range

    (3) Twitter - @bloomingfox
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  2. I follow you on Twitter and have tweeted - @bloomingfox

  3. I have commented on Olives Et Al Putney Sauce and Chilli Billy Jelly review

  4. I have commented on Thank you Warner Brothers for our festive film bundle !

  5. I have commented on Cheese recipes for Christmas from the British Cheese Board

  6. I have commented on Be Adventurous With British Cheese This Christmas

  7. I have commented on Add a Touch of Bollywood Bling To Your New Year Party Look

  8. I like your Facebook page - Kirsty Fox

  9. I've been wanting to try these Seabands for ages but never got round to buying them! As a result I spend all my car and bus journeys trying to simultaneously press the pressure points on both hands with the opposing fingers!

    I follow you on GFC as Carolnie Scott and I've also commented on your review of the new Pantene range

  10. I folow you on Twitter as @plumblossom23 and have retweeted here!/plumblossom23/status/152886598390915072

  11. I'm already a Facebook fan as Caroline Scott

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  13. Already a facebook fan as Maya Russell

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  16. Gave you a +1 point on Klout under the Family category as Maya Russell.

  17. Following you on GFC.
    Commented on 'Brrrrr-illiant Christmas Gifts from Lush review'
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  22. Have also commented on Be Adventureous with British Cheese blogpost

  23. Following and commented on Recipe for "Flu Fighting Soup" from the UK's first Medicinal Chef.

  24. followed on twitter and re-tweeted, @bertie1984

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  26. liked on facebook as Sarah Jones x

  27. These are really good I got some for a cruise hubby & I went on in October, they worked!! Would love some for hubby himself now so we can book another little trip! Fingers crossed.
    Thanks for a great competition prize. xx

  28. I've heard lots of good things about these so would love to give them a try

    cld_fr at yahoo dot co uk

  29. Following on Twitter @scampbeast

  30. Commented on the Baby safty post @scampbeast.

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    Get your ‘Team Peppa’ Bag For Life and help support baby charity Tommy’s


  33. I’m following you on Twitter as @12kazuko12

  34. I like your Facebook page as Annabel Lee


  35. I subscribe to your blog by email


  36. Hi, I'm following your blog and posted a comment on your Ecover post :0)

  37. I've heard that these work really well for morning sickness so I'd love to win a pair for my daughter, who is carrying our first grandchild at the moment and really suffering.

    Mrs Gumby

  38. Fab giveaway (as always !). I'd love to try these out.

    Following and replied on the Ecover post.


  39. wow wish i could win these, i feel sick everywhere, car sick, sea sick, pregnancy sick, fun fair ride sick everything sick lol
    follwing on facebook and on twitter @tamalyn1

  40. Im following you on facebook. Id love these for my kids for when we go on holiday this year, would make the trip a lot more enjoyable

  41. FYI: the instructions on this page for using the Sea Bands are wrong. The pressure point is located under your index finger, not the middle finger. Go to the Sea Band website for correct information and a diagram.
