Monday 5 December 2011

Go Skincare - Energy for the Skin from The Ginger People review

Quite some time ago (I've just checked and it was way back in October 2009), I reviewed some fiery ginger sweets from The Ginger People. You can read that review here. Well, they've just branched out and created a new line of exciting skincare products enriched with ginger.

Most people are aware of the digestive benefits of ginger - it's great for travel sickness and morning sickness, amongst other things - but I have to admit, I was unaware of the benefits it could have on your skin. As The Ginger People explain : "For over 25 years, the Leeson family has focused on spreading the word on ginger’s health benefits through food, and we now have a chance to promote the external perks as well. Over the years, many people have asked whether ginger is beneficial applied topically. And the answer is yes! No wonder they call ginger the “wonder” spice."

 The range offers a whole host of benefits to your skin. As the manufacturers explain : "GO, is the first skin care treatment line specifically formulated to help improve blood circulation. Combining a powerful organic ginger essential oil with an organic ginger extract, GO is an effective energy booster for the skin. But GO’s greatness doesn’t stop there. The unique ginger actives in GO naturally support bioavailability. Say what?! In essence, ginger spurs each of the other actives we use in GO to work to its full potential. And that’s not all: ginger is a powerful antioxidant, which helps slow the ageing process, improve your skin’s elasticity and protect against environmental damage. " All sounds great on paper but it's time to investigate the products themselves.

The first product I discovered was the rather intriguing Ginger Balm. The lid says that it is for "the whole body" which doesn't help much, so I turned to the back of the tin for inspiration. It's a real multitasker, sounding like a miracle cure for just about everything you can think of, and a few more things for good measure ! The label explains that it : "Helps heal and smooth ; Reduces irritated appearance of scars and blemishes ; Great on cuticles, split ends ; Soothes sore muscles ; Our righteous rub for throbbing tissues." But if the word throbbing has got you sniggering, stop right there ! It also says : "Apply to dry, chapped, rough skin. Warning : for external use only" !

As you can see from the photo, you get a solid balm in a tin which reminded me of lip balm. I rubbed some over my lips and they felt instantly smoothed and protected, followed by a gentle tingling (very reminiscent of Carmex lip balm, that I reviewed here). I had a bit too much left on my finger so I rubbed it into the skin on the back of my hand and it made the skin look visibly moisturised and feel smoother. Having sore feet after a day of rushing about, I also rubbed some over my feet and ankles and it felt lovely and soothing, although I found it a bit too slippery on the soles of my feet. I also rubbed some into the dry areas on my knees and elbows and the more I applied, the more I could smell the wonderful, warm, relaxing ginger fragrance. I could get seriously addicted to this stuff on smell alone so I'd better put this one away and move on to the other products !

The other products were less surprising and more what you would expect from a standard skincare range - Ginger Face Cleanser, Ginger Face Serum, Ginger Eye Cream and Ginger Face Moisturiser. They all have the same gorgeous ginger fragrance - which is lovely and relaxing, not overpowering although you wouldn't want to mix it up with too many other strong fragranced products.

As you can see with the Moisturizer, the products are a high quality skincare range with indulgent, rich creams that instantly leave your skin feeling refreshed and thoroughly pampered. I was worried that the ginger would sting slightly, particularly on the delicate eye area, but this wasn't a problem at all. I felt a very slight tingle but it was not at all unpleasant and actually gave me the impression that it was really working, boosting the circulation.

This is the first skincare range that I have seen with ginger as a main ingredient and I have to say that I'm convinced by the concept. I haven't seen a huge difference in my skin but it does feel lovely and refreshed after I've used the products and the fragrance is very relaxing and pleasant.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : Face Cleanser £18.95, Moisturiser £28.95, Face Serum £28.95, Eye Cream £24.95, Go Everywhere Balm £ 9.95

for more information :

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