Tuesday 31 January 2012

Natural & Clean Pet Spot & Odour Eliminator review

After my battle with a particularly pongy bin being a resounding success, I decided to take a closer look at what else those lovely people at Natural & Clean had sent me through for review. After the bin battle (that I just told you about here) and successfully removing fluorescent green highlighter from a cuddly pony (that I blogged about here), I'm starting to think that there's not much they can't deal with. Hmm time for a mega-challenge, methinks ! I have the perfect task to really put them through their paces !

Now, what do you think of our lovely, soft, squishy, Moroccan-themed armchair.  I love the warm rich tones of the throw and the two cushions are souvenirs from Tunisia that we picked up in the souk there. OK, time to reveal one of the Madhouse Family's dirty little secrets !

Just look at what's hiding underneath that lovely throw - eeek !

Two dogs and three under-11's have certainly left their mark, many times over.

There are muddy pawprints, sticky handprints, spilt chocolate milk (no use crying over that then !) and goodness knows what other sorts of inground general dirt and grime. I even found some more fluorescent green highlighter when having a really close look ! I have made a few half-hearted attempts at getting it clean in the past but nothing has really worked so the colourful throw was the perfect solution !

Well, even though the  Pet Spot & Odour Eliminator spray that I found in the cupboard isn't specifically designed as an upholstery cleaner, I decided to give it a go as it was the Spot Remover Wipes that successfully cleaned up the toy pony, which is a smimlilar colour. I sprayed liberally on the dirty areas (in other words, over 3/4 of the total surface of the chair) and rubbed gently with a microfibre cloth.

As you can see, I used a fair amount of product - about an inch worth out of the bottle - so it made the chair very damp. It didn't look that clean to be honest so I wasn't expecting it to be very successful. I told the kids not to sit on it while it dried out and headed off to the kitchen for a cook-fest.

Well, I couldn't believe my eyes when I came back into the living room about an hour later. It looked immaculate ! I was convinced someone must have taken out our filthy old chair and brought in a new one when nobody was looking !

If you look really closely, there are still a few stains on there - for example, on the right arm just next to the back cushion - but, judging by how well it's worked on the vast majority of the surface, I would think that it is more than likely an area I missed rather than a stubborn stain that didn't shift.

Just compare the before and after photos - I don't need to say a word, as I purposely took photos of the same parts of the chair and the same angles.

The only question now is, do we put the throw back on it or leave it off now ?! I'm also wondering what else I can try to clean with the spray. You can tell how dramatic the difference was because Madhouse Daddy Mike actually noticed without me saying a word when he got home from work and normally he never notices anything !

A quick look on the Natural & Clean website has this to say about it : "Natural & Clean pet spot & odour eliminator is a modern approach to odour removal. It is designed to attack and eliminate odours and their offending causes naturally. The product has been successfully manufactured through harnessing naturally occurring microbes which attack and degrade organic waste matter, thus eliminating odours and their primary sources. It is ideal to use on most carpets, rugs and upholstery. Natural & Clean pet spot & odour eliminator contains naturally occurring microbes and has a powerful microbial cleanser to attack the organic spots and spills. It is solvent & phosphate free and safe to use on pet's bedding. It can be used on most surfaces and fabrics and is effective in removing all odours left by pets including cat spray, urine, vomit, faeces and hairballs. Do not use on cotton velvet upholstery or those unsuitable for wet cleaning. Always test on a hidden area to check colour fastness."

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £3.43 for 300ml

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. really good will be getting some as i`ve got 3 fluffys that get very muddy paws

  2. Wow! I can't believe the difference, those looked like the kinds of stains that would never come off! :-o

  3. Looks amazing stuff! do you know if you can buy it in the Supermarket or Lakeland?

    1. There should be a list of stockists on their website :)

  4. We've just got a puppy so this review is really helpful thanks.

  5. Wow I really need to get some of this!

  6. I could do with some of this! We have pets and children and we are always getting dirt marks on carets and upholstery. Thanks for the review.

  7. that's amazing! can't believe it's cleaned so well, i've gotta try it on, well most things in my house lol

  8. Think I need to try this

  9. WOW!!!! what else can I say? What a fab job that did on your chair .... I wonder if it would work on carpet? I used to paint and spilt some stuff on my carpet that simply has refused to come up with everything else. I really need to stop reading your blog. I keep seeing things I should buy lol xx
