Tuesday 14 February 2012

Melissa and Doug Alphabet & Numbers Sticker Collection review

Along with the See Inside Numbers peg puzzle that I reviewed here, the lovely people at VUP Baby also sent us an Alphabet & Numbers Sticker Collection, also from Melissa & Doug. 10-year-old Sophie instantly volunteered as chief tester for this one !

The roughly A4-sized pad contains ten pages of stickers with the alphabet and numbers from 1-10 in various styles and sizes of writing. If your kids like arts and crafts, they will be able to think up numerous projects for using them. Sophie, for example, instantly said that they would be ideal for using with her My Clippy Bags of Style (that we reviewed here) and her Hello Kitty Cool Cardz Studio (that we reviewed here).

Even as a grown-up, I thought they looked fabulous for using in scrapbooking and card-making or for personalising things like school books, lunch boxes or water bottles for the kids. If you have younger children who can't read or spell yet, they don't have to feel left out because the books also exist with picture stickers, featuring themes like fashion and dinosaurs, amongst other things, so you could let your imagination run riot and create huge sticker scenes. Just what you need to while away a cold, wet half-term afternoon, if you ask me !

Bearing in mind you get over a thousand stickers in total, the fact that it costs less than a fiver sounds like a total bargain to me too.

 STOP PRESS #1 :  On Thursday 1st March between 1pm and 2pm, VUPBaby are having a party - and you're invited! And the best thing is, it's a twitter party, so you don't have to worry about what to wear... The party is sponsored by Whitestep, and the theme is 'creative play'. Join in the chat with the hashtag #creativeplay, tell us about how you encourage creative play with your kids, and you could win one of Whitestep's fantastic Create-a-World play sets. There'll be loads of smaller prizes up for grabs along the way too. Follow VUPbaby and Whitestep on twitter to join the fun - @vupbaby and @whitestepuk.

STOP PRESS #2 : VUP Baby have provided an exclusive discount code for readers of Madhouse Family Reviews. Use code MAD15 for 15% off your order until the end of February

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £4.99

for more information : http://www.vupbaby.co.uk

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  1. You can never have too many stickers, these look really useful and colourful

  2. Our Grace loves stickers, going to buy some sets of these.
