Thursday 16 February 2012

Thanks Warner Brothers from me AND the kids !

I had an email this week from a lovely PR contact that I often work with, asking about what makes a good (or a bad) blogger outreach programme in my opinion. Well, one of the things I told her was when the PR people really go out of their way to make the blogger feel special and show that they understand their needs. Well, Warner Brothers have hit the nail right on the head again. I was already blown away by the fabulous Santa Sack packed with DVDs and goodies that they sent just before Christmas (click on the link to see that blogpost) but they've gone and done it again !

They'd mentioned that they'd send out a Valentine's rom-com pack but I was very impressed to see a gorgeous red box arrive bang on the 14th February, packed not only with some brilliant DVDs to watch but also some Maltesers to share (maybe, if I'm feeling nice) ! Yummm ! (Ummm after I've finished Jenny Craig, obviously !!)

But they went the extra mile and also sent through some kids' viewing and extra bits and bobs, which are an absolute godsend for a cold, rainy half term. Thanks very much Warner Brothers and I'll be back with some reviews as soon as I've watched the movies.

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  1. How cool is that? Hope that you've had a fab half term x

  2. Very generous of them they will keep you entertained for a long time :)
