Thursday 1 March 2012

Book review : All The Single Ladies - Jane Costello

When her free-spirited boyfriend of six years, Jamie, declares that, despite still being in love with her, he's dumping her in order to follow his dream of travelling in South America, Samantha is totally devastated. Not one to take things lying down, she goes all out to get him back, knowing that she has just three months before he gets on the plane that will whisk him away to a new life. With the clock ticking, her strategies for making him realise he's making a mistake get more and more desperate, with often hilarious results. When she starts dating a new man, Ben, in order to make Jamie jealous, she never for a moment plans on actually falling for him, but in Samantha's world, men are like buses - you can wait for ages for one then two come along at the same time. Which one will she choose and will she get her happy ever after ending ? Well, I'm not going to tell you - you'll have to read it to find out.

If you're thinking that this sounds a bit like something you've read before, well, yes, this is classic chicklit so there's nothing hugely original, but it is still a cracking read, by turns poignant and laugh-out-loud funny. We can all put ourselves in Sam's position and relate to what she's going through so, even when she finds herself in slightly ludicrous situations, we can cringe on her behalf, believing that this could actually happen.

Jane Costello cleverly weaves in some deeper, darker plot threads too, involving Sam's best friend's growing problem with drinking and her adopted sister's unfolding drama as she discovers who her birth parents are, so it's not all light-hearted frivolity.

It's a bit predictable but the very end of the book will keep you guessing because it could go either way until the very last chapter. The choice she makes is undoubtedly the only one that any self-respecting woman could make and you can't help but mentally cheer her on.

It's a heart-warming, feel-good read that is really enjoyable from beginning to end. This is the first of Jane Costello's books that I've read and I can now understand why she has made such a name for herself in the chicklit niche.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £12.99

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  1. I read Jane Costello first book and enjoyed it, and after reading your review I know I'll have to read this too.

  2. This looks a great book. Think I might have to get it for my caravan holidays. That's about the only time I get to read

  3. This sounds like a great book, I can picture myself lying on a sunbed on holiday reading this, when in reality I will be lying on the sofa with screaming kids around me, trying to read it!!

  4. I'm looking for some easy reading for my beach holiday soon and this sounds great! The only time I tend to read chick-lit is on holiday so will definitely be looking for this book! Thanks!
