Monday 5 March 2012

DK Books Baby Tractor! Chunky Baby Board Book

2-year-old Pierre has a new-found passion for anything and everything on wheels. They are building some new houses just around the corner from our house which we have to walk past on the way to the shops and every single time, we have to stop for at least 5 minutes and watch the diggers, cranes, tractors and JCBs as Pierre excitedly squeals "look big digger" and "brrrmmmm brrrmmmm tractor" !

I therefore knew instinctively that he would love the Baby Tractor! Chunky Baby Board Book from DK Books that we were sent to review. It has sixteen thick pages and shows a variety of different types of tractor including modern ones, vintage ones, fork-lift ones, red ones, blue ones, even a special eight-wheeled one that always gets an extra long wistful look from Pierre !

But it's not just a picture book. It also has tactile flaps for your toddler to lift, exploring the different shapes and textures and discovering who or what is hiding behind them. I never fail to be amazed at just how exciting Pierre finds flap books, even when he's looked at the book so many times he must know what is behind each one ! He loves playing peekaboo and making the animal noises as he discovers the farmyard animals too !

I always let Pierre choose a book for his potty-time and this is one of his favourites, partly for the content but also because it is so easy for him to hold and turn the pages. The large simple text is also great for beginner readers so big sister Juliette loves reading this one to Pierre when they're playing together.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £4.99

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  1. I love all posts about the books for babies. The more reviews and recommendations, the better. Books are very important in our family.

  2. can't wait to start book shopping for babies again!

  3. My little boy loves books like this, I've not seen this one before may have to buy him one! x

  4. my sons tractor and farm mad - he would love this
