Saturday 3 March 2012

March 2012 Review Copy Clean Up Challenge : Challenge 1 - Show off your pile !

Well, as I told you (here), I've signed up to a fun challenge to attempt to clear at least some of my "to be reviewed" pile of books this month. There are weekly challenges to take part in and this week's is "show off your pile". Not the whole pile - it would never fit in one photo ! - but the pile I'm planning to get through this month. Well, here goes !

Well, I'm aiming high, as I'm on holiday at the moment but I don't know if I'll manage to get through the whole lot !

I always like a mixed bag so there's crime fiction, kids' fiction, chick lit and general/historical fiction.

 for more information and to see everyone else's piles :

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  1. no point in me offering to adult book reviews, takes me faaaarrr to long to read these days, fall asleep usually - good luck

  2. That IS a mixed bag! I hope you can at least make a dent and have some fun. :)

  3. Ohh, shiny books.. That's definitely a wide range of genres you got there! I hope you enjoy them all though (: Good luck!

    My RCC Pile

  4. Sisterchicks Go Brit looks great! :) I'll have to check that one out. Good luck this month! :)

  5. Oh!!! Snapshot looks super awesome. ;o I'm really curious! Good luck. :D

    If you want to check out my to-read pile, it can be found here!:)

  6. I was a bit disappointed in Wildwood but loved the illustrations. I enjoyed Craig Robertson's Random so will probably pick up Snapshot at some point.
