Tuesday 3 April 2012

Calling all teachers ... !

As you all know, as well as being a mum and blogger, I also have a "real" job teaching English in a secondary school in France. I teach 11-15-year olds and have recently started using Skype in the classroom for live webchats with other classes in English-speaking countries around the world. So far, we have a partner school in Kentucky but we'd love some more. If you'd like to get involved or find out more, click on the widget below to find out more information about our project ! If you're a French teacher, we're happy to use both languages too.

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  1. That's a great initiative! I am not a teacher myself but I really like this project!

  2. This is brilliant! Will definitely talk to our headteacher about doing this. Thanks.

  3. What a fantastic idea, it's amazing how technology has openend up so many brilliant opportunities like this!
