Tuesday 3 April 2012

Pig Goes Pop! review

*** Look out for my giveaway here where you can win three Pig Goes Pop games ! ***

When I was given the chance to receive a Pig Goes Pop game to review, I'd never heard of it. I casually mentioned to the girls that we'd be receiving it and they erupted into squeals of excitement ! I asked if they knew it and they excitedly told me that you get a pig and you have to feed it hamburgers and pump up its head until it gets too obese and his coat bursts open and ... that was as far as the explanations got because they got too giggly ! 

Well, needless to say, they were totally right and described the game spot on ! All the best games that I remember playing as a child had that element of nervous anticipation and never knowing when it would all kick off - for example Buckaroo, Kerplunk and Mousetrap - but they always took ages to set up. Pig Goes Pop is great because you get the excitement of never knowing when his coat will burst open but it's incredibly quick and simple to set up.

As well as being great fun, it's also good practice for counting and recognising colours for younger players, and the element of chance means that everyone, regardless of their age or skill, has an equal chance of winning. That's a relief for parents who always have the moral dilemma of whether or not to let their kids win when playing with them ! The recommended age is 3/4+ but 7-year-old Juliette, 10-year-old Sophie and even the grown-ups had great fun playing too ! Even 2-year-old Pierre managed to join in and play quite successfully, with a little help, so it's a brilliant game if you have several children of different ages.

Everything packs away inside the pig which means it is the perfect game for taking on holiday and is also great for making sure it all stays safely in one place with no important bits getting lost.

The girls were really excited when I told them that we'd be receiving the game and it totally lived up to their expectations.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £19.99

For stockists visit www.drumondpark.com or call 01506 855577
You can also follow them on www.facebook.com/drumondpark

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  1. been looking at this for a while in the shops, was hoping there would be a review on it :)

  2. Suspense and the element of nervous anticipation make any game superb! This sounds like hours of entertainment for kids and parents alike.

  3. I love that everything packs away inside the pig, no more trying to squeeze everything back into the box that clearly are not going to fit

    1. Agreed - some games just will not ever fit back in the box, even if they came out of it to begin with ! Pop Up Pirate is the worst !! lol

  4. My Little boy is just starting to get into games and I think he would love this! Sounds fab! Xx (@beachpebble)
