Wednesday 30 May 2012

101 Uses of a Can of Sterimar !

When I was a kid, I remember my mum reading a book series called 101 Uses of a Dead Cat. I would sit, bemused, watching her dissolve into fits of giggles as she flicked through the pages looking at the drawings. When I was a bit older, I had a look myself and could see the funny side to the totally off-the-wall sense of humour and silliness.

Well, this got me thinking ... As you know, along with some other lovely bloggers, I've been chosen to be a Sterimar Mummy Ambassador because I was so enthusiastic about Sterimar in earlier blogposts, and part of our mission is to come up with some fun content for the brand new Facebook page. (Come over and join in - we're all totally lovely and welcome all your comments ! There's currently a lovely competition that you can enter to win £500 by sharing a picture of your child's cute nose!)

Anyway, thinking back to the Dead Cat books made me wonder if I could come up with 101 uses of a can of Sterimar ! I always throw a can in my first aid kit because it's a great multi-purpose product (it's just pure sea water so can be sprayed anywhere with no risk, doesn't sting and can be used by anyone - newborn, child, pregnant or breastfeeding mum, etc.) Well, I'm sure I won't make it to 101 by myself but feel free to join in - come and add your ideas over on the facebook page and I'll add them to my list here too !

OK, here's how I already use Sterimar :

1) For flushing out my nose when hayfever kicks in.

2) For flushing out my eyes when they're irritated with pollen.

3) For doing a quick spritz over my face and hair to dampen down any rogue pollen.

4) For a refreshing blast of coolness on my face to beat the heat.

5) For washing sand out of baby's eyes, ears and nose when they've been to the beach for the first time and decided to smell, touch and eat sand !

6) For flushing dirt out of grazed knees at the park.

7) For staving off tantrums - if your kids are getting bored, spritz a bit in the air around them and they'll start giggling, thinking you're being really naughty !

8) Unclogging babies' noses, especially when a blocked nose is hindering breastfeeding.

9) For taking action before hayfever season begins, as it seems to help stave off symptoms before they kick in.

10) For flushing dust and pollution out of your nose after a trip to London or after spring cleaning - blow your nose on a white tissue afterwards, you'll be amazed !

11) For a routine bit of silliness before your toddler's bedtime - we sing Sterimar-ified songs like "Up goes the spray and washes the bogies out" (to the tune of Incy Wincy Spider) and "Raindrops keep squirting up my nose" (to Raindrops keep falling on my head) !

12) My dad was advised to use Sterimar after a recurrent problem with nasal polyps and it seems to help.

Well, not quite 101 but 12 is not bad for a start! Now it's over to you ... !

for more information :

Disclosure : While this isn't a sponsored post, I do receive a financial contribution from Sterimar for getting involved in Mummy Ambassador activities on their facebook page and other social media platforms. I was using Sterimar long before they asked me to be an Ambassador though !

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  1. No 11 confirms to me just had mad you really are woman, made me laugh. really need to find this stuff and try it

  2. another is to loosen up smarties and blu tack when a 2 year old decides his nose is the best place to keep them lol

    1. Eeek I've had a bead up the nose (well, not me personally !) but no Smarties or blu-tack (famous last words !).

  3. Never heard of this before - sounds amazingly useful!

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  4. I could do with some right now!

  5. Thanks for the advice,I'm off to buy one!

  6. I am taking mine to the beach after reading this!

  7. Will have to try this now if only to morbidly find out what's in my nose when I blow as I've been cycling all week! Sorry that sounded gross didn't it!

    1. LOL It did ... but you're not the only one, believe me !! ;-)

  8. Never heard of Sterimar...until now. Sounds like a product I really need to get!

    1. Keep a bottle in your first aid kit when you go on holiday - it can cure a thousand ills !
