Thursday 3 May 2012

Heinz 7+ months Fruit Smoothie review

As you can see from the picture, Pierre was over the moon when I gave him a little bottle of Heinz Pear & Apple Fruit Smoothie to try out. Once I took the lid off though, he looked unsure and said "don't like that me" as he peered dubitatively inside.

I encouraged him to have a little taste, which he did, then he lifted his head with a big smile and said "hmmm c'est bon, like it" ! I had a little taste too and I can see why he likes it - it's incredibly sweet and fruity, tasting like a liquid version of fruit puree. Nevertheless, looking at the packaging, I was surprised to see that it contains no added sugar, just 100% fruit with added vitamin C, so all that sweetness comes directly from the fruit.

Some children might not like the texture - it's thick, with the consistency of pureed strawberries - but Pierre couldn't get enough of it ! As a mixture of apple, pear and pear juice (plus vitamin C - that's it for the ingredients list - can't get better than that !), it contains two of baby's 5 a day. The little bottle contains 180ml and 100ml contains 54 calories and 11.4g of sugar (but it is all naturally occurring sugar).

It's suitable for children aged 7 months + but, as almost-3-year-old Pierre showed, much older children will love it too. One slight criticism - once opened, the bottle must be finished within 24 hours. That sounds like a lot of drink for a 7-month-old to finish, although you could always enlist the help of older siblings to finish off the bottle !

If you have children who struggle to eat their five-a-day and aren't keen on fresh fruit, this could be a great way of getting vitamins into them. It's very sweet but certainly a healthier option than fizzy drinks or sugar and E number-packed alternatives. We tried Pear & Apple but it's also available as Apricot & Pear.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : 89p for 180ml

Available exclusively at ASDA.

Disclosure: We received a bottle of fruit smoothie in order to write the review. 

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  1. Think I will grab some of these - sound great


  2. Sounds great indeed - one minor concern: how recyclable is the bottle?

    1. I've thrown it away now but I seem to remember it was recyclable, not 100% sure though !

  3. handy for when out and about, and a much healthier alternative to many other drinks out there

  4. My son loves these - they are a little dearer than normal juices but at least you know they're not full of added sugar etc :)
