Saturday 12 May 2012

Next Blogger campaign : I’m Supporting Team GB scarves

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the Next Blogger Network to see if I'd like to take part in a new campaign, called “I’m Supporting”, which they were launching in conjunction with Next’s official Team GB and Paralympics GB Supporters’ Scarves. The scarves have been designed by Next as part of their support for London 2012 and they are hoping that they will be the must have item of the summer! All profits from the sale of the scarves will be donated to the British Olympic Association - helping British Olympic and Paralympic athletes deliver their best performance at London 2012 and beyond.
For the I’m Supporting” campaign, the aim was to unite as many Next network bloggers as possible to find out how they would wear the Supporters’ Scarves to show their support for Team GB. How would they style it and where would they wear it? This campaign is in conjunction with the  ‘Wear it, Wave it and Win’ prize draw on the Next website where people can upload photos of themselves wearing the supporters’ scarves and win some great prizes, including London 2012 tickets kindly donated by the BOA/BPA.If you want to get involved, you can enter the competition here and tweet about it with the hashtag #next2012scarf.

Well, we always love getting involved in blogger challenges so of course we said yes ! A little while later, this gorgeous wrapped box arrived, containing the supporter's scarf. 

 Measuring approximately 53cm x 53cm, it's actually a bit on the small side to be worn as a scarf around your neck but you can get a very funky stripy effect, which is perfect for wearing underneath a V-necked jumper or for keeping your neck warm while you're waiting at the bus stop in this rubbish spring weather that we've been having lately.

Sophie immediately volunteered to be Chief Tester (or should that be Chief Stylist today ?!) and actually came up with some really good ideas. I love the way she made it into a funky Alice band to keep her hair under control in the wind ! The colours really complemented her top (which, funnily enough, came from Next too !)

She decided to go for a Gypsy headscarf look, but it wasn't quite big enough so she went for this bandana look instead. This is actually a great look if you're having a bad hair day ! By changing the way you fold the red, white and blue design, you can get different colour schemes and looks too.

To prove the point, you can avoid the red, white and blue completely and have a much more sober look in monochrome black and white. This would be a good office look, but I do think it's a shame to not make the most of the funky colours.

It can be used to attach a ponytail in thick hair which looks much better than this photo shows - I had to do a side ponytail because I couldn't take a photo of the back of my head (believe me, I tried !!) but you get the idea.

 And Sophie also went all Bohemian and tied it around her wrist which looked really good too.

So what about you ? How are you wearing yours ? I've seen how the lovely Alison at Dragons and Fairydust and Zoe at Splodz Blogz have styled theirs but I'd love to see everyone else's ideas too !

for more information :

Disclosure : We received a Next Team GB Paralympics 2012 Supporters scarf in order to take part in the challenge.

 Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. Wow what a lovely scarf!!!!! I too am into head scarves but find the elasticated head scarfs easier to secure around my head! But I think I will buy one of these scarves now that I know part of the proceeds are going to such a great cause! I think I will tie my scarf on the handle of my handbag!!! I had an England scarf tied round it when it was the World cup! Thank you for informing me of this great campaign!

  2. I received one too. The poochie end up wearing it at one point lol x
