Sunday 27 May 2012

Sunday weigh-in - week #2

When I say week 2, that's week 2 of the second phase of weekly weigh-ins now that I've got my slimming mojo back ! Not much to report this week though - I lost a measly 200g despite doing everything right so I'm a bit disappointed. Oh well, it's better than a gain !

So, did I manage to achieve the goals I set last week (here) ?

- Lose weight. Even if it's only 100g. Well, yes I did, even if it was only 200g. The scales say 81.4kg now, so hopefully I'll be into 80 point something next week ! Oooh actually, I've just realised that this means I've lost EXACTLY 10kg since starting in October because I weighed 91.4kg. I've been saying I'd lost practically 10kg, now it's exact !
- Start SlimPodding again. I listened to the SlimPod about four times this week - not a total success because I intended to do an intensive 21 day blast again but I kept forgetting. Once I get back into a routine of listening to it, that will come naturally again. I have definitely detected some of the SlimPod effects already though that I recognise from last time - craving healthy options rather then sugary treats, having a strange irrepressible urge to run around with the kids, drinking loads of water.

- Get back into serious ProPoint Tracking on WeightWatchers. Yes, I've done this totally seriously again and have uncovered a few things that are much higher in points than I thought, such as one of the salads I've been having regularly at Quick (French version of McDonalds). That's exactly the kind of thing that could be slowing down my weight loss so I'm really pleased I've detected them.

- Move more in May ! It's been so hot, we haven't wanted to get out in the sun much but I have been running around playing catch with the kids at the park. I've also started "power walking" again (pushing down with my heels as I walk along with the pushchair) which gives my legs a workout - it must work because I have achey legs afterwards !
- Start with the weekly blog updates again. Well, I'm here aren't I ?! I was tempted to skip this week as there's not much tell to tell but thought that would count as a fail !

Aims for next week :

Do all of the above and try to get down below the 81kg mark.

Positives for this week :

The SlimPod system tells you to note down the positive changes that you've noticed during the day/week that show it's working. For this week, that's :

1) I absolutely love salad now, whereas I used to eat a bit totally begrudgingly. We had a barbecue earlier and I filled my plate 3/4 full with salad so I barely had space left for the sausages, meat and potato salad that were higher in calories. This being a SlimPod effect, for some totally mind-boggling reason, this made me feel happy, not like I was depriving myself.

2) If I fancy a snack, I now grab a handful of blueberries or strawberries. Even bananas are zero points on the ProPoints system so if I'm really hungry, I'll eat one of those.

3) Treats are allowed and don't make me think I've fallen off the dieting wagon. This week, I've been munching my way through the WeightWatchers individual carrot cakes that they sent through. They're delicious but only 3 ProPoints each. I also ate half a muffin this morning - but that says it all. Half. Not a whole one. It's that SlimPod effect again !

4) My watch keeps twisting round on my wrist. It has a metal bracelet so is always the same size so this means I must be losing inches even if my weight is stable. I remember this before when I was on the SlimPod and clothes started feeling looser even when my weight didn't change. I also walked across the bedroom and had to hoik up my pyjama bottoms three times because they kept falling down !

5) I need to come up with a new pair of "target jeans" - ones that I can't fit into at the moment and that I aim to be able to wear. In the meantime, I uncovered an old long-sleeved black Tshirt that I haven't worn for years because it was way too tight. Guess what ? It fits perfectly !

6) Sensible choices are taking over subconsciously again. I know I want either bran flakes or porridge for dinner tonight, presumably because my brain knows I ate that half a muffin and had a second helping of spare ribs at lunch time !

Whatever the scales show, that all shows I'm back on track :) Verdict next week ! Let's go and see how my weightloss blogging buddies did !

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also profited from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.

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  1. Glad you've lost some more weight Cheryl, keep at it and it'll keep coming off. All the best for this week.

    1. Thanks, how are you doing ? xx

    2. I've lost 1lb so really happy.

    3. I just went to check out your blog - you're doing fabulously :)
