Sunday 24 June 2012

Sunday weigh-in week #6

STILL TO GO : 15.3kg

Well, as I knew well in advance, this past week and next week are not going to be good foodwise and therefore weightwise. Last week was my last week of class with the kids so they were all bringing in sweets and cakes to share for their final lessons and one girl brought in a huge bag of homemade doughnuts and a huge bag of spicy samosas made by her mum for me to bring home - a carrier bag full in total ! They were delicious but all deep fried (and smothered in icing sugar for the doughnuts) so goodness knows how many calories they had in them ! When a child - one of my own or one of my pupils - gives me a gift, especially something they've made themselves, there is no way I'm going to turn around and say "sorry, I'm on a diet" so the healthy eating plan goes out of the window. That's life and being polite and showing gratitude are more important than the numbers on the scales in my books.

Added to that, there was a "British food day" at our canteen so on the menu was prawn cocktail - fish & chips with curry sauce - apple crumble or bread pudding. Because the (French) dinner ladies were worried it wasn't quite right, I had to eat one of each dessert just to prove they were lovely !

I jumped on the scales this morning for my weekly weigh-in knowing that it was going to be disastrous. Well, I put back on 400g which is actually not bad at all. If I'd lost 400g, I'd be disappointed it wasn't more, so I'll use the opposite logic and say that's not much of a gain either. So this week's weight was 81.3kg.

Next week, the school is open as an exam centre but there is no canteen so the teachers are already discussing which restaurant or fast food joint to eat in each day. I'll try my best to make healthy choices but won't beat myself up if I can't. I'm majorly motivated to get back into seriously healthy eating with loads of salad and fresh fruit once I'm on holiday from 5th July onwards.

On the positive side, I bought a few new clothes for the summer and needed a "size 3" instead of a "size 4" - I'm still not entirely sure what normal clothes sizes they relate to but the important thing is, the number has gone down. :)

I wonder how my diet buddy 7hippopotamus has done this week.

Disclosure : I'm currently using a Thinking Slimmer SlimPod and a WeightWatchers Online subscription, in return for honest feedback. I also receive regular hampers of WeightWatchers products, and have also profited from a one-month Jenny Craig trial.

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  1. Mmmm all the food is making me feel hungry. And British food day, sounded great fun.
    You've come so far now, that a few treats isn't going to make a big difference. We'll get there is the end, I know we will! Have a good week. xx

    1. Thanks lovely, well done on your loss too. You're doing brilliantly xx

  2. Well done on your weight loss. I am with Slimming World and have lost 41lbs since January. I still have a fair few to lose. My sister tried WW and couldn't shift the weight at all. Suppose it doesn't work for everyone. x

    1. wow that's fabulous, well done - you should join in on our weekly linky :)
