Monday 9 July 2012

Picture book review : The Queen's Knickers - Nicholas Allan

Even the youngest member of The Madhouse - soon-to-be-3 year old Pierre - hasn't failed to notice all the mentions of the Queen lately, with Jubilee-fever reaching its peak, so he was instantly drawn to the copy of The Queen's Knickers that we were sent to review.

Not being able to read the words on the cover, it wasn't until he turned to the first page that he realised that this was a royal book with a difference ! He giggled infectiously and had us all laughing when he saw "the Queen's pants", as he called them !

We read the book together, giggling at the irreverent humour and sheer silliness - I'd love a pair of knickers with a built-in parachute and a rubber dinghy, just in case, when we go travelling ! The Corgi knickers are very cool too, although I'll pass on the Christmas ones with real holly !

Hearing us giggling, even big sisters Sophie and Juliette couldn't resist coming to listen to the story ! It was a great family moment to share, although we laughed so much, it's probably more a book to share during the day than at bedtime because your little readers will be too excited to sleep after all the giggling !

Pierre kept pointing at things in the pictures, saying "Look !" and making little comments that had us in stitches! This is definitely a new family favourite - both for the story and the cheeky illustrations that really appealed to our sense of humour. Apparently the Queen herself also enjoyed reading the book at a Norfolk nursery - I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall there !

The back cover shows some other equally cheeky and fun-sounding books from the same author that the kids have begged me to look for - The Giant's Loo Roll, Father Christmas Needs A Wee and Cinderella's Bum !! Who says kids don't like reading ?!

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £5.99

Disclosure : We received a review copy of the book.

Other reviews you may be interested in :


  1. This looks a funny book, shame my lad is too big

  2. I used to work in a bookshop and everyone used to snigger when they say this title....mind you it was a best seller!

    1. I'm going to be getting the other ones to review from this author too - can't wait !! lol

  3. This truly is an amazing book- so-so funny!

  4. it sounds like a laugh out loud book, bet my girls would enjoy it

  5. looks a great book - one my kids would definately love!
